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[Translation] Week 8 day 2: Pros cast LPL matches

Guest for Day 2: Pomelo

Pomelo talks about his experience with his teammates after his previous rant. He reveals that they attacked him after learning about his comments.

Hostess 2 mentions the impressive performance of PawN’s Leblanc in EDG’s previous game.

Pomelo explains that PawN’s Leblanc is unique because he uses his abilities strategically to continuously attack the enemy, unlike other Leblanc players who retreat after a burst rotation.

Hostess 1 adds that both PawN and Deft, core players of EDG, performed well in the last game.

According to Pomelo, EDG has a higher chance of winning against IG, as they haven’t lost a single series yet.

Hostess 1 mentions that EDG is currently on a winning streak and has a great mindset because of it.

Pomelo believes that IG performed well in the Demacia cup but struggled in LPL.

Pick & ban

Hostess 2 talks about IG’s top laner being destroyed by ADG in another tournament and finds it amusing.

Pomelo mentions that EDG picks Viktor, a strong laner, and Annie. He explains that Annie needs to win early or she struggles later without an advantage.

Hostess 1 questions EDG picking rek’sai as she believes Nidalee counters her.

Pomelo explains that IG picks Kennen for a poke comp, hoping to prevent engagers. However, he thinks that if IG doesn’t play well, they may be aced by EDG, bringing the game to an end.


Pomelo points out Rookie leaving the game early and highlights that he will receive a fine for that.

Hostess 1 questions why Rookie left early if they already surrendered.

Pomelo explains that he still can’t leave early and must wait until the game ends and then click the leave button.

Hostess 2 jokes that fans should buy Rookie some steamed buns as consolation because they know it’s his favorite Chinese food.

Pomelo agrees and adds that he feels Clearlove outplayed Kakao in the jungle, and IG’s composition was too risky.

OMG vs. M3

Game 1: Pre-game Banter

Hostess 1 mentions that OMG hasn’t been doing well recently but has shown signs of improvement.

Pomelo confirms that Uzi and Luo are starting for OMG. He expects their top laner to play Lulu or Gnar, especially Lulu if she isn’t banned. Loveling will most likely play Nidalee or one of the top three junglers. Uzi might play Vayne.

Hostess 1 jokes that Pomelo should leak more information like the King analyst did.

Pomelo explains that he can’t leak any more information because his team told him not to. He mentions that M3 is becoming more synchronized and praises their jungler as the best on the server.

Hostess 2 adds that even the M3 coach has a lot of respect for their new jungler.

Pomelo shares the information that PYL has a smurf account called “Dog Trainer”, indicating his skill as a support player. He explains that M3 uses Looper as their top laner depending on who is performing better at the moment, rather than switching strategies.

Hostess 2 comments on Loveling often being blamed when the team loses.

Pomelo mentions that Uzi’s shirt looks familiar, possibly from last year.

Hostess 2 jokes that Uzi has zero fashion sense because he spends all his time playing games.

Pick & ban

Hostess 2 observes that when facing OMG, teams often have to ban three mid laners. M3 picks Kalista confidently for their first pick.

Pomelo notes that OMG picks Lucian against Kalista and mentions that the outcome of the lane will depend on the support. M3 picks Viktor for early wave clear. He believes Xiyang’s Thresh is strong and can counter Leona’s engage if played well.

Hostess 1 comments on Ahri being picked for Cool despite M3’s attempts to ban him out.


Pomelo sarcastically suggests that Dade should be the MVP due to his poor early plays. He mentions how Dade wasted his flash after getting hooked.

Game 2: Pre-game Banter

Pomelo discusses the picks and bans for the second game between OMG and M3.

Pick & ban

Pomelo notices that M3 banned Lulu from Gogoing and jests that they won’t ban his Gnar.

He comments on OMG picking Janna, explaining that she has a lower success rate in ganks and roams compared to Thresh.

Hostess 2 mentions that M3 can play poke with Leblanc, while OMG seems to be going for a full engage composition.

Pomelo agrees and adds that M3 might pick Nidalee for more poke. He also notes that both teams heavily rely on their execution of skills, but M3’s skillshots are harder to land, making their composition more difficult to play.

Hostess 2 jokes that M3 forgot to swap champions during the draft phase.


Hostess 1 observes that M3’s mentality seemed broken, as evidenced by Dade’s poor decision-making in the game.

Hostess 2 disagrees and believes that Dade did well, taking out Janna and Uzi multiple times.

Follow me @stevenyuzk for the latest updates! You can also find me on LiquidLegends!

Pomelo, EDG, IG, game, banter, Leblanc, core players, winning streak, Demacia cup, pick, post-game, OMG, M3, pre-game banter, mid laners, pick & ban, mentality.