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[Translation] Week 6 day 1: Professional players cast LPL matches

Translating LPL Videos on TGA Official Website

Hey guys! I have a new project where I will be translating LPL videos on the TGA official website. The LPL games are broadcasted in China by TGA, and they not only release VODs of the games, but also have live casting by retired pro players for some of the good games. The pro casters for each day vary. I will mainly be translating the discussions for pre-game, pick&ban, and post-game. These videos contain interesting chit chats, rumors, and analysis that are exclusive to them.

WE Vs. King


Game 1: Pre-game Random banter

White: During the broadcast, Spirit said, “My teammates are so garbage. I really want to change my team.” But he was just venting because his teammates’ performance wasn’t good.

White: I think they should change mid to Xiye (their sub), but I believe he cannot officially be changed on the starting line-up right now. Maybe he will play in later matches. Since his contract is locked in with WE.A, he can only swap with Dade (M3). But Dade isn’t underperforming.


White: Nidalee is extremely popular in China right now because of her short cooldown and high burst damage. MLXG’s jungling isn’t very good at the moment. I don’t think he deserves the rookie of the year title. Assassin has a wide champion pool and likes to play champions like Ahri and Yasuo.

White: Ninja takes Anivia, which is rarely used in the current meta. But I like that he tries unconventional picks in LPL matches, as it helps him learn from his mistakes on the real stage.


White: MLXG played Rek’sai very well this game and controlled the game effectively. Unfortunate for WE, it was a really close game. Also, Veigar is currently broken.


Game 1: Pre-game Random banter


White: San returns! He looks confident waving to the camera. San may use Draven, as he has practiced it a lot in solo Q.

White: Koro1, one of the fastest improving players on EDG. Mouse is better than Meiko, despite Meiko playing decent. Deft leans towards team fights over laning ability. He likes to pick Ezreal and other late game carrying ADC champions. He is extremely skilled at positioning in team fights.

White: Gogoing isn’t rated very high right now and has been flamed by the community. The top 3 top laners right now are Cola, Koro1, and Flandre. They play so well that it shocks me. Koro1’s death to Cola was due to his greed to kill Cola in lane and hesitation in decision making, which takes away from his laning ability compared to the other two unfortunately.


White: EDG bans Ahri for Cool, who is known for his Ahri plays. Both teams’ bans target the mid laners, banning 5 mid laners in total! Nidalee is the popular jungle pick in China right now. OMG wants to see where Veigar is going before picking their mid laner. EDG is using flex picks to mess with OMG. TF is a champion that depends purely on the skill of the player.


White: It was a great game, with a high level of competition in China! San and Xiyang performed extremely well. San finally got his chance to shine. Cool, on the other hand, got solo killed and wasn’t very happy about it.

White: EDG had opportunities to win, but they didn’t take advantage of them. Clearlove performed mediocre compared to Lovelin. Deft also didn’t perform up to par, with lower damage output than San. EDG made several mid-game decision errors. Pawn played well individually with great Nidalee mechanics. Veigar wasn’t very effective due to the enemy team having two quicksilvers.

Follow me @stevenyuzk for the latest updates! You will also find me on LiquidLegends.

LPL, TGA, LPL games, VODs, live casting, retired pro players, pre-game, pick&ban, post-game, chit chats, rumors, analysis, WE, King, MLXG, Nidalee, Assassin, Ahri, Yasuo, Veigar, EDG, OMG, Cool, San, Koro1