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[Translation] Interview with Ninja from Team WE

Interview with Ninja: Reflecting on the Match against iG

Ninja, the player from the WE team, shares his thoughts on their recent match against iG.

Ninja: Despite losing a couple of games, we were determined to secure a victory. In my opinion, iG did not perform as well as we did.

WE’s Goals and Dragon Control

Interviewer: It seems like WE achieved their first goal. What is their second goal?

Ninja: Our second goal is to secure a spot in the top 8 of the LPL.

Interviewer: WE managed to secure 5 dragons. Was there any special skill involved?

Ninja: Our jungler, Spirit, had excellent control over dragons and buffs.

Challenges and Team Effort

Interviewer: In your opinion, what changes can WE make?

Ninja: There are still issues plaguing WE, and it will require the effort of everyone to achieve our second goal.

Confidence in Off-Meta Champions and Preparation for IEM

Interviewer: Why do you pick off-meta champions?

Ninja: I have great confidence in these champions, and they are solid picks in the current meta.

Interviewer: How did WE prepare for the upcoming IEM?

Ninja: We didn’t specifically prepare anything for IEM. Although WE is ranked 11th in the LPL, we want to prove that Chinese teams are not easy to defeat.

Communication and Future Goals

Interviewer: How is the communication between you and your teammates?

Ninja: We use simple Chinese and English to communicate.

Interviewer: You will be facing your former opponents in the upcoming IEM. Is there anything you would like to tell them?

Ninja: Wait for it. (I am not sure about Ninja’s exact message, but that is the translation.)

Interviewer: What is your goal for the upcoming IEM?

Ninja: Our goal, of course, is to become the champions. We can do it.

Interviewer: Do you have anything to say to your fans?

Ninja: I apologize for the previous results, but I will improve.


Translated by zher4883

Ninja, WE, iG, LPL, off-meta champions, IEM, communication, goals