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Top Yasuo Counters in League of Legends

Best Yasuo Counters in League of Legends

Yasuo can be incredibly frustrating to play against in League of Legends. He’s popular, but not always picked by the best players in solo queue. However, when facing experienced Yasuo players, it can be difficult to win the matchup. Here are some of the best Yasuo counters in League of Legends, according to stats site


Annie is one of the best champions to counter Yasuo, with a 56.46% win rate against him. The key is to use basic attacks to lower Yasuo’s shield, then stun him and deal as much damage as possible. By using Tibbers at level six, you can often burst Yasuo down.


Pantheon is another strong counter to Yasuo, with a 56.36% win rate against him. While Yasuo excels at landing Qs, Pantheon’s tankiness allows him to trade and punish Yasuo. Purchase Ninja Tabis and dodge Yasuo’s abilities to gain an advantage in lane.


Anivia is similar to Annie in countering Yasuo, with a 53.56% win rate against him. Play aggressively in the early game and stun Yasuo when he oversteps. Be mindful of his tornados and use your combo to deal damage.


Yasuo struggles against tanks, making Galio a great counter with a 53.45% win rate against him. Galio’s survivability and early damage allow him to lane effectively. If behind, roam and catch opponents with your ultimate to turn the tide.


Zeri has a 53.25% win rate against Yasuo. Her high mobility helps her dodge Yasuo’s poke, and her trading potential is strong. In the late game, Zeri should pose a threat to Yasuo, unless he’s extremely fed.

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Related Yasuo counters, League of Legends champions, Annie, Pantheon, Anivia, Galio, Zeri.