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Top Vladimir Build for Season 12 in League of Legends

Mages are very popular in the mid lane in season 12 of League of Legends. And with mages making a comeback, Vladimir is also back in action.

Vladimir has impressive sustain in the early game, allowing players to stay in the game. But as the match progresses, Vladimir becomes one of the best burst champions.

However, Vladimir has some weaknesses. He has low mobility and lacks resistances, making him vulnerable. But with the right build and item selection, players can turn Vladimir into a deadly weapon on the battlefield.

So, here’s the best build for Vladimir in season 12 of League of Legends.


Top Vladimir Build for Season 12 in League of Legends


Vladimir lacks mobility, so it’s important to choose runes that boost his movement speed. Phase Rush is the best option, as it provides additional movement speed after hitting enemies with spells or attacks. It comes in handy when trying to escape battles.

Nimbus Cloak enhances mobility after using a summoner spell, which is useful in offensive and defensive scenarios.

Transcendence reduces cooldowns, allowing Vladimir to deal more damage in the late game.

Gathering Storm increases ability power as the game progresses.


Magical Footwear saves gold and grants free boots in the 12th minute.

Cosmic Insight shortens cooldowns on summoner spells.

Bonuses: +8 ability haste, +9 adaptive power, +15-140 health (based on level)

Starting items

Top Vladimir Build for Season 12 in League of Legends

Doran’s Ring

Doran’s Ring provides health and ability power, improving trading and survivability. Use Doran’s Shield in tough matchups or when expecting early focus from the enemy jungler.

Health Potion

After buying Doran’s Ring, purchase two Health Potions to trade efficiently and stay in lane longer.

Core items

Top Vladimir Build for Season 12 in League of Legends

Hextech Rocketbelt

Hextech Rocketbelt is the best Mythic item for Vladimir, providing ability haste, ability power, health, and magic penetration. Its active ability helps close the gap and deal damage.

Sorcerer’s Shoes

Sorcerer’s Shoes improve movement speed and provide magic penetration.

Cosmic Drive

Cosmic Drive boosts ability haste, ability power, health, and movement speed. Its passive increases movement speed after hitting enemies with basic attacks or abilities.

Late-game items

Top Vladimir Build for Season 12 in League of Legends

Rabadon’s Deathcap

Rabadon’s Deathcap is a must-have for ability power champions, as it provides a significant ability power boost.

Zhonya’s Hourglass

Zhonya’s Hourglass offers stasis, allowing Vladimir to survive and turn teamfights around. It also provides ability haste, ability power, and armor.

Demonic Embrace

Demonic Embrace grants ability power and health, enhancing Vladimir’s potential. Its passives increase health and deal damage over time to enemies.

Situational items

Top Vladimir Build for Season 12 in League of Legends

Mercury’s Treads

Mercury’s Treads are a good alternative when facing AP-heavy opponents, providing magic resistance without sacrificing other elements of the build.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

Ionian Boots of Lucidity reduce cooldowns when magic resistance is not needed.

Void Staff

Void Staff is essential when facing teams with high magic resistance, ensuring effectiveness in teamfights. It also provides ability power.


Morellonomicon is situational against healing champions, applying Grevious Wounds.

Mejai’s Soulstealer

Mejai’s Soulstealer is a great pickup when snowballing early, allowing players to stack ability power and movement speed.

Spirit Visage

Spirit Visage offers health, ability haste, magic resistance, and additional health regeneration. It’s useful against shield-heavy compositions or AP-focused teams.

Banshee’s Veil

Banshee’s Veil provides ability power, magic resistance, ability haste, and a spell shield. It’s especially useful when playing as the main carry or against AP-based assassins.