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Top URF Duo Synergies to Experiment with Your Friends!

Introducing URF: Summoner’s Rift on steroids! When it comes to playing with friends, it can be difficult to distinguish between good and bad duo synergies in URF. We’ve compiled a list of the best duo synergies that will help you dominate in URF. Let’s jump right in!

10. Mundo + Draven

10. Mundo + Draven

This is a classic duo. Draven deals high damage from the backline while Mundo tanks. It may start slow, but Mundo’s poke and Draven’s axes will get you through. Just be careful of long-range lanes and assassins. And don’t let Draven die before he gets online. Pop Ghost on them for some hilarious and absurd gameplay!

9. Leblanc + Lee Sin

9. Leblanc + Lee Sin

If you want to get up close and personal with the enemy, this is the combo for you. It requires skill, but once mastered, you’ll be able to dash in and out, leaving your enemies frustrated. Combine Lee Sin’s reliable burst with Leblanc’s mobility for a lot of all chat cussing!

8. Ekko + Taric

8. Ekko + Taric

If you hate dying, you’ll love this combo. Ekko can go back in time to avoid death, and Taric’s ultimate provides damage nullification. They can sustain themselves and are a force to be reckoned with. Taric’s stun and healing combined with Ekko’s chasing abilities make for an unstoppable duo.

7. Trundle + Udyr

7. Trundle + Udyr

If the enemy team has a lot of bruisers, fight fire with fire! Both Trundle and Udyr deal heavy damage and can sustain themselves. With the Ghost summoner spell, they’ll zoom across the rift, deleting enemies left and right. Lack of range is their only weakness, but flash can solve that. Plus, summoner spell cooldowns are low in URF.

6. Lux + Morgana

6. Lux + Morgana

Lux and Morgana are masters of crowd control. Perma-root your enemies and watch them give up. Lux’s E and Morgana’s W provide waveclear, and Lux’s ultimate adds some extra firepower. This strategy may not earn you respect, but it’s certainly entertaining to watch!

5. Thresh + Blitzcrank

5. Thresh + Blitzcrank

Similar to Lux and Morgana, Thresh and Blitzcrank love to hook their opponents. Both can go for crazy one-shot builds and deal lots of damage. Hide in bushes, camp the rivers, and land those hooks for maximum chaos. Just be careful not to miss your hooks, as that’s your main source of damage.

4. Shaco + Yuumi

4. Shaco + Yuumi

Shaco is known for being slippery, but with Yuumi onboard, he becomes even harder to catch. Combine Shaco’s deceive with Yuumi’s healing, and you have a recipe for frustration. Shaco will proxy your lanes, sit in your base, and kill you repeatedly.

3. Yasuo + Malphite

3. Yasuo + Malphite

This is a classic synergy in League of Legends. Yasuo needs a knock-up, and Malphite can provide it with his ultimate. Yasuo can block projectiles, and Malphite can press R for devastating teamfights. This combo flips the game on its head!

2. Leona + Zilean

2. Leona + Zilean

Stun your enemies for so long that they forget how to play the game. Leona’s ability to stick to targets combined with Zilean’s bombs make for an unstoppable duo. Revive Leona when she’s about to die and keep the frenzy going. There’s little counterplay against this combo!

1. Jax + Renekton

1. Jax + Renekton

This duo covers both the early and late game. Renekton carries the early game, while Jax shines in the later stages. Both champions have stuns, damage reduction, and high damage. It’s tough to shut them down, so bring something safe and long-range if you want to stand a chance.


In URF, choosing the right duo synergy is key to success. There are several powerful combinations, but even they need an enabler. Once you’ve mastered the suggested duos, mix and match to create your own winning formula. It’s challenging but fun, especially when playing with friends. Get out there and dominate in URF!

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