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Top Tier Amumu Jungle Path – Optimal Routes for Amumu in Season 12 at Higher Ranks

Amumu Jungle Guide: The Sad Mummy’s Pathing and Tips

League of Legends is known for its powerful champions and flashy abilities, but let’s take a moment to appreciate an old-school favorite, Amumu, The Sad Mummy.

Amumu may not be as popular as the latest champions, but don’t underestimate his potential. With his ability to turn fights and protect his team, Amumu can be a game-changer with just a Q + R combo.

As a tank and jungler, Amumu can easily match and even outperform newer champions in his role, if played correctly.

In this guide, we’ll cover Amumu’s jungle pathing and clearing, along with some additional tips and tricks that will make your enemies weep.

Summoner Spells
Flash + Smite: While some junglers can replace Flash with another spell, Amumu synergizes well with Flash, especially when combined with his ultimate and Q ability.

The Best Amumu Runes
Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, and Last Stand from the Precision tree provide utility and stat stacking, making Amumu a formidable force. You can also choose defensive options from the Resolve section.

The Best Amumu Items
– Start with Hailblade + Refillable Potion.
– Mythic item: Sunfire Aegis provides great damage and durability for Amumu.
– Core items: Defensive Boots, Thornmail, Abyssal Mask, and Force of Nature.
– Finishing options: Randuin’s Omen, Demonic Embrace, and Gargoyle Stoneplate.

Off Meta AP Amumu
AP Amumu can deal a lot of damage but sacrifices tankiness. Build options include Demonic Embrace, Cosmic Drive, and Liandry’s Anguish. This build works best if your team already has enough frontline and magic damage.

The Best Skill Order for Amumu
Max E first for defense and offense, put a point into W first for faster camp clearing, and max it last.

The Best Jungle Paths for Amumu
Consider factors like which lanes can provide more help in clearing the first camp, counter-jungle opportunities, and which lane you want to gank first.
– Red Side, Red Clear: Start with the Red Buff, clear Krugs, Raptors, and other camps. Look for gank opportunities in Mid or Bot.
– Red Side, Blue Clear: Start with the Blue Buff, clear Gromp, Wolves, Raptors, etc. Look for gank opportunities in Mid or Top.
– Blue Side, Red Clear: Start with the Blue Buff, clear Gromp, Wolves, Raptors, etc. Look for gank opportunities in Mid or Bot.
– Blue Side, Blue Clear: Start with the Blue Buff, clear Gromp, Wolves, Raptors, etc. Look for gank opportunities in Mid or Top.

The Best Tips and Tricks for Amumu Jungle
– Amumu excels at team fights and securing picks, so pair up with allies with consistent damage output and CC abilities.
– Use your Ultimate strategically, saving it for the right moments and high priority targets.
– Use the long range of your Q to surprise enemies with flanks and ganks.
– Use Flash to reposition yourself for chasing down enemy carries.
– Stack Conqueror and let your W damage, Sunfire Aegis, and Thornmail win trades for you.

Final Thoughts
Amumu shines as a supportive tank, turning team fights and setting up opportunities for his team. Good communication and shot-calling are essential when playing alongside an Amumu. Despite sometimes underwhelming abilities, Amumu can be a game-changer and a reliable frontline option. So, don’t hesitate to pick Amumu when your team needs engage and crowd control.