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Top Taric Build in League of Legends Arena

League of Legends’ Arena game mode: An Overview

League of Legends’ new Arena game mode was officially launched on July 20th, and it has quickly gained popularity among the community. Players have been enjoying the format and have already discovered the best champions and strategies to dominate the competition.

A champion that has been making headlines in this game mode is Taric. According to stats site Metasrc, Taric has incredibly high win and ban rates. Taric’s peeling abilities and powerful ultimate that makes him and his ally invulnerable make him the perfect support for carry champions in LoL Arena.

Discovering the Best Taric Build in Arena

To ensure a high finishing position, it’s crucial to understand which augments and items should be prioritized when playing Taric in Arena.

In terms of itemization, unlike League’s Summoner’s Rift mode, Arena players cannot set up their own runes for champions, and the summoner spells are the same for all players in the lobby. Therefore, let’s focus on the best build for Taric in the Arena game mode.

The best starting item for Taric is Guardian’s Amulet. It provides essential stats such as ability power, ability haste, increased heals, and shield power. Guardian’s Horn can also be considered when facing strong early-game team compositions.

After the first two rounds, it’s important to choose the right boots. Plated Steelcaps are preferred as they significantly reduce damage from auto attacks. Mercury’s Treads are more effective against multiple magic-damage team compositions with crowd control. Remember to switch between the two if you have extra gold in the final stages for better performance.

LoL Taric Arena build
Taric Arena build example. Screenshot by

While some players may consider Ionian Boots of Lucidity, it is generally recommended to focus on acquiring resistance items to enhance survivability, as Taric’s goal is to support and protect his teammate.

Taric has a range of Mythic items to choose from, but the go-to item is usually Moonstone Renewer. It synergizes well with Taric’s kit, allowing him to increase the shields and heals he grants to his ally. Locket of the Iron Solari and Evenshroud are two other popular choices with their unique benefits.

Other items that can be considered for Taric’s build include Knight’s Vow and Zeke’s Convergence for boosting damage and tankiness. Armor items like Thornmail and Frozen Heart, as well as magic resistance items like Abyssal Mask and Force of Nature, are crucial for enhancing Taric’s survivability.

Taric’s ability maxing order is E > Q > W. Maxing Dazzle (E) first lowers its cooldown and enables stunning enemies, while maxing Starlight’s Touch (Q) provides more healing. Maxing Bastion (W) last is ideal as it provides a percentage max health shield.

Best Augments for Taric in League Arena

Choosing the right augments is equally important in the Arena game mode. Here are some of the best augments for Taric:

Silver Augments

  • Sonic Boom – Grants a buff, heal, or shield to your ally and deals damage to enemies within range.
  • First-Aid Kit – Increases heal and shield power.
  • Frost Wraith – Automatically roots nearby enemies.

Among the silver-tier choices, Sonic Boom is a must-have augment for Taric due to its synergy with his abilities. First-Aid Kit and Frost Wraith are also good alternatives.

Gold Augments

  • Willing Sacrifice – Sacrifice health to grant a shield to your ally.
  • Rabble Rousing – Healing yourself when casting abilities.
  • Shrink Ray – Reduces enemy damage for a duration.
  • Banner of Command – Grants bonus health, attack damage, ability power, and attack speed to your ally.
  • Defensive Maneuvers – Casts Barrier and Heal on you and your ally.
  • Perseverance – Increases base health regeneration.
  • Recursion – Increases ability haste.

Taric has many strong choices among gold augments. Willing Sacrifice and Rabble Rousing are particularly powerful, but all of them can be great options depending on the situation.

Prismatic Augments

  • Windspeaker’s Blessing – Grants bonus armor and magic resistance with heals and shields.
  • Spirit Link – Redirects damage from your ally to yourself.
  • Ultimate Revolution – Resets the cooldown of your ultimate.

Among the Prismatic Augments, Windspeaker’s Blessing, Spirit Link, and Ultimate Revolution are incredibly powerful choices for Taric. They enhance his supportive abilities and provide additional utility in fights.

In conclusion, Taric is a dominant force in League of Legends’ Arena game mode, and choosing the right items and augments can greatly enhance his effectiveness as a supportive champion.

League of Legends, Arena game mode, Taric, best build, itemization, augments, survivability, champion, support, gameplay