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Top Supports to Pair with Varus in League of Legends

Varus is a unique AD carry in League of Legends because he can be built in different ways, resulting in different playstyles.

If you want to be an attack speed machine or a one-shot nightmare, you need to choose the right support to maximize Varus’ effectiveness in the early game and teamfights.

Here are some champions that pair well with Varus and the build they work best with.

Best Varus supports in League

The best supports to play with Varus are Lulu, Karma, Xerath, Lux, Thresh, Milio, Senna, and Rakan.

Varus has two different builds that drastically change his playstyle, so the support must understand which path he has chosen. These champions can work well in multiple team compositions but their synergy with Varus depends on his build.


Lulu in League of LegendsLulu is one of the top-tier supports to play with attack speed Varus. Together, they can dominate the lane with their superior range, especially against melee supports. Lulu also has crowd control abilities that can peel for Varus and help him engage the enemy.


Karma in League of LegendsKarma is similar to Lulu but better against ranged supports due to her longer range. She has strong setup tools for ganks and works particularly well with Varus’ lethality build. The combination of Varus and Karma provides strong poke and zone control in the bot lane.


Xerath and Lux in League of LegendsXerath and Lux have a similar playstyle as supports. They can keep the enemy bot lane at a distance, poke them down with their long-range spells, and secure objectives. This combination is riskier than Karma because they lack escape tools, but they are excellent with Varus’ lethality poke build.


Thresh in League of LegendsThresh is a versatile support that complements Varus well. He can be aggressive with his hooks to make picks, provide strong escape tools for Varus, and cancel enemy mobility skills. Thresh is especially potent with attack speed Varus as his abilities complement Varus’ overall playstyle.


Milio in League of LegendsMilio is one of the best supports to pair with Varus. He can boost Varus’ attack speed, movement speed, and range, making them a formidable duo in the laning phase. Milio’s ultimate ability can also save Varus from crowd control.


Senna in League of LegendsSenna and Varus have great synergy in the laning phase because of their long-range abilities. Senna can continuously auto-attack the enemy duo and set up Varus for kills with her root ability. They can also layer their crowd control to secure kills.


Rakan in League of LegendsRakan is a strong support and pairs well with Varus. Rakan provides engage tools for the team and can set up devastating ultimates with Varus’ Chain of Corruption. Although the early levels may be tough, their combined power at level six cannot be underestimated.

These are the best Varus supports in League of Legends. The choice depends on your preferred playstyle, but all of these supports work well with Varus.

Varus supports, League of Legends, AD carry, playstyle, build paths, synergy, Lulu, Karma, Xerath, Lux, Thresh, Milio, Senna, Rakan