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Top Supports to Pair with Jhin in League of Legends

Jhin- The Virtuoso: Top Support Champions for Success

In the world of League of Legends, Jhin, also known as the Virtuoso, continues to dominate the bot lane. Despite being released in 2016, Jhin remains a popular and powerful champion. When paired with the right support partner, Jhin becomes even deadlier. Whether it’s an enchanter, mage, engage, or tank, there are plenty of support champions that can complement Jhin’s unique abilities.


Rell, the Iron Maiden, sits atop her horse made entirely of metal—by her hand.

Rell is an excellent support choice for Jhin. Her recent rework has made her a strong engage champion with new abilities that make her more effective and versatile. Her ability, Full Tilt, provides a speed boost to both her and a nearby ally, allowing them to chase down enemies or escape safely. Combined with Jhin’s inherent movement speed boost, Rell turns Jhin into a powerful disengage champion. Plus, Rell’s crowd control abilities can be perfectly paired with Jhin’s to stun and root opponents, setting up devastating attacks.


Karma focuses in League of Legends.

Karma is another great support champion for Jhin. With her ability to shield and increase movement speed, Karma can protect Jhin from damage and help him catch low-health enemies. Both Karma and Jhin have long-range abilities that can immobilize opponents, allowing for powerful combos and extended crowd control. The synergy between these two champions is unmatched.


Nami, the Tidecaller, controls the waters using her staff.

Nami offers Jhin additional movement speed, healing, and crowd control. With her abilities, Nami can empower Jhin’s attacks and abilities while providing sustain in the laning phase. The combination of Nami’s crowd control and Jhin’s ultimate ability can be devastating for enemies. However, players should be cautious as Nami is quite fragile and requires Jhin’s protection against burst damage.


Nautilus and Leona, League of Legends champions.

Jhin benefits from engage champions who can keep enemies immobile. Nautilus and Leona are perfect choices. With their crowd control abilities, they can create opportunities for Jhin to deal damage. Additionally, as tanky champions, Nautilus and Leona can absorb damage that might otherwise harm Jhin. Choosing the right support champions is crucial to Jhin’s success.


Morgana and Lux side-by-side in League of Legends.

Despite the disadvantages of playing alongside mages as an ADC, Lux and Morgana are exceptions when paired with Jhin. Both champions offer Jhin protection, long-range abilities, and crowd control. They create a lethal combination that can poke enemies from a distance and lock them in place. However, players need to be cautious as Lux and Morgana are vulnerable to engage and require Jhin’s assistance to survive.


Xerath charges up on the Rift in League of Legends.

If the opposing team composition lacks heavy engage, Xerath can be an excellent support choice for Jhin. With his poke and damage, Xerath can synergize well with Jhin’s long-range abilities. Together, they can apply significant pressure in the early game and deal massive damage to enemies. It’s important for Jhin and Xerath to coordinate their skills to maximize their impact.


Milio League of Legends

Milio is one of the best enchanters in the game and makes an ideal partner for Jhin. With his healing, movement speed, and attack range buffs, Milio helps Jhin excel in the early game. Jhin can freely move around the skirmish and deal poke damage while Milio provides necessary support. Additionally, Milio’s ultimate ability, Breath of Life, can cleanse Jhin of any crowd control effects and ensure his safety.

In conclusion, the right support champion can greatly enhance Jhin’s performance in the bot lane. Rell, Karma, Nami, Nautilus/Leona, Lux/Morgana, Xerath, and Milio are all excellent choices depending on the team composition and playstyle. Working together, Jhin and his support can dominate the game and secure victory.

Jhin, League of Legends, support champions, Rell, Karma, Nami, Nautilus, Leona, Lux, Morgana, Xerath, Milio