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Top Supports to Pair with Ezreal in League of Legends

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The Best Supports for Ezreal in League of Legends

Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer, is one of the most well-known ADCs in League of Legends. He’s a moderately difficult marksman who needs a support that can synergize well with his abilities. While there are technically 35 supports in the game, not all of them work well with Ezreal. However, there are seven that are ideal for him. Let’s take a look at these supports and how they can help Ezreal reach new heights on the Rift.


A fish-like Siren named Nami is a solid support choice for Ezreal. Her innate healing keeps him alive during the laning phase, and her Tidecaller’s Blessing (E) provides a much-needed damage boost. Nami’s ultimate can also slow enemies, setting up Ezreal for his skill shots.


Braum, a human man, is another great support for Ezreal. Braum’s passive, Concussive Blows, works well with Ezreal’s Mystic Shot (Q). Braum’s unbreakable shield provides protection for Ezreal and allows him to line up his ultimates.


Seraphine is a decent mid-lane champion who can also be a great support for Ezreal. Her healing, CC, and damage abilities can be used to suit Ezreal’s playstyle. Seraphine’s ultimate can set up Ezreal for devastating combos.


Taric, a durable support, is an excellent choice for Ezreal. His stun ability and tankiness allow Ezreal to safely damage opponents. Taric’s heals, increased armor for allies, and invulnerability ultimate make him a valuable support in laning and team fights.


Amumu, an off-meta support, provides excellent defense and engagement opportunities. His stuns and tankiness make him the perfect support for Ezreal, especially when looking to surprise enemies.


Bard is an excellent support for Ezreal and the team. His slows, stuns, and healing abilities can greatly benefit Ezreal in both offensive and defensive plays. Bard’s roaming ability allows Ezreal to farm safely and take advantage of healing shrines.


Soraka is a great support for Ezreal, particularly in the early game. Her healing abilities and stuns can keep Ezreal alive during the laning phase and allow him to play more aggressively later on.

In conclusion, these seven supports (Nami, Braum, Seraphine, Taric, Amumu, Bard, and Soraka) can greatly enhance Ezreal’s gameplay in League of Legends, providing him with the necessary tools to achieve victory.

Ezreal, League of Legends, ADC, marksman, support, Nami, Braum, Seraphine, Taric, Amumu, Bard, Soraka.