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Top support champions to pair with Twitch in League of Legends

Playing against champions in League of Legends that you can’t see can be frustrating. These champions have camouflage tactics that make them hard to strategize around. One such champion is Twitch, the Plague Rat, who has been causing headaches for players for over a decade.

Twitch is a hyper carry champion in League. The longer the game goes on and the more items Twitch has, the stronger he becomes. Seeing Twitch on the enemy team should prompt players to buy as many Control Wards as possible and try to end the game quickly. Allowing Twitch to roam and get kills freely will make the game even more difficult.

There are several support champions that work well with Twitch in the bot lane. Whether you choose an enchanter, mage, or engage champion, they all provide Twitch with the space he needs to deal damage. However, there are a few support champions that synergize particularly well with Twitch and can help him snowball in the bot lane.

Best Support Champions for Twitch in LoL



The bot lane pairing of Twitch and Yuumi used to be known as “the cat and the rat.” Yuumi could adopt Twitch’s camouflage while attached to him, making Twitch even more deadly. Although Yuumi has had a rework, the synergy between her and Twitch still exists.



Twitch enjoys targeting enemies from a distance with his basic attacks, and Milio can help him do that. Milio’s W extends Twitch’s attack range, allowing for favorable trades in the early game. Their passive abilities also stack together, dealing extra damage to enemies.



Lulu brings out Twitch’s full potential throughout the game. She has access to utility abilities that can keep Twitch alive and amplify his attacks. It’s important for players to learn to play alongside Twitch rather than in front or behind him to avoid engages from opponents.



Rell is a powerful support champion who works well with most ADCs, including Twitch. Her crowd control tools and engage tank abilities make her a great partner for Twitch. Rell’s W can lock enemies in place, allowing Twitch to stack poison and deal burst damage.



Thresh provides mobility options for Twitch, who lacks mobility himself. Thresh’s lantern can pull Twitch to safety if he gets too far. Thresh also has strong engage and disengage options, making him a valuable asset in the bot lane. Players should be mindful of Thresh’s high skill ceiling and long cooldowns for his abilities.

These are some of the best support champions to pair with Twitch in the bot lane. Each champion brings something unique to the table and can contribute to Twitch’s success in the game.

Twitch, support champions, bot lane, Yuumi, Milio, Lulu, Rell, Thresh