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Top Support Champions for Miss Fortune in LoL

Best Supports for Miss Fortune in League of Legends

League of Legends is a popular MOBA game with over 160 champions to choose from. One of these champions is Miss Fortune, known for her ruthless and destructive nature. To dominate the game, Miss Fortune needs a support that can help her ramp up in the early game and excel in the later stages.

The best supports for Miss Fortune in the current meta are Leona, Blitzcrank, Thresh, Nautilus, and Rell. These supports provide the necessary peel and spacing for Miss Fortune to deal damage while keeping her safe. They either have a strong frontline to absorb damage or are enchanter mages who can set her up for success.

Leona and Miss Fortune

Leona, League's resident sun-loving tank.
The Radiant Dawn is prepared for battle. Image via Riot Games

Leona and Miss Fortune have great synergy as a bottom lane duo. Their kits complement each other well, and they bring a ton of kill potential at level two. Leona can dive towards an enemy carry with her Zenith Blade (E) and stun them with Shield of Daybreak’s (Q). At level six, their all-in engage with Leona’s Solar Flare (R) and Miss Fortune’s Bullet Time (R) can turn the tides of teamfights.

Tip: When playing as Leona, commit to going all-in and stay with Miss Fortune during fights.

Blitzcrank and Miss Fortune

Blitzcrank fires his rocket arm at an enemy.
Fired up and ready to serve. Image via Riot Games

Blitzcrank is a strong support to pair with Miss Fortune. Her Make it Rain (E) and Double Up (Q) combo works well with Blitzcrank’s Rocket Grab (Q) and crowd control abilities. They have immense kill potential at level six, making it easy to punish enemies in lane.

Thresh and Miss Fortune

Thresh stands menacingly as he prepares for a fight.
Drag your opponents down to the depths of despair. Image via Riot Games

Thresh is an aggressive support that can single-handedly lock down an enemy champion. His Death Sentence (Q) and Flay (E) combo sets up Miss Fortune for significant damage. Hitting this combo creates opportunities for kills or bullying the enemy’s bot lane out of position. Thresh’s Dark Passage (W) also serves as an escape tool for Miss Fortune.

Nautilus and Miss Fortune

Nautilus fires his hook into the ground, pulling him away.
The deep is calling, and Nautilus is ready to answer. Image via Riot Games

Nautilus is a tanky support who provides opportunities for engagements with his combos. Miss Fortune’s Make It Rain (E) and Bullet Time (R) work well with Nautilus’ crowd control abilities. He acts as a buffer between Miss Fortune and the enemy, ensuring her safety.

Rell and Miss Fortune

Rell rides into battle on her horse, which she created from metal.
Rell, the Iron Maiden, sits atop her steed made of metal, prepared for battle. Image via Riot Games

Rell has a ton of crowd control abilities that pair well with Miss Fortune’s damage output. Miss Fortune’s Make it Rain (E) can set up Rell for easy combos. The highlight is Rell’s Magnet Storm (R), which pulls enemies towards her, leaving them vulnerable to Miss Fortune’s Bullet Time (R).

Playing as these supports with Miss Fortune is no guarantee of victory. Proper positioning and coordination with Miss Fortune are important for success. Watch your positioning, work with your support, and aim for victory.