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Top Support Champions for Caitlyn in League of Legends

Best Supports for Caitlyn in League of Legends

Caitlyn has been one of the most popular ADCs in League of Legends since her release in 2011. Many League players want to know the best supports to pair with Caitlyn, and we have the answers.

When paired with the right support, Caitlyn can become one of the most oppressive champions in League of Legends. However, figuring out which supports work well with her can be challenging.

Caitlyn has several good support pairings that enhance her strengths, but none synergize as well as the champions we’ve gathered below. Here are the best supports to pair with Caitlyn in League.


Photo of Morgana from League

Morgana and Caitlyn make a terrifying duo in the bot lane when played correctly. Combining Caitlyn’s massive attack range and Piltover Peacemaker (Q) ability with Morgana’s Tormented Shadow (W) creates an oppressive poke lane for your opponents.

This ADC and support combo truly shines with Morgana’s Dark Binding (Q) and Caitlyn’s Yordle Snap Trap (W). Just one Dark Binding landed by your support and a well-timed Yordle Snap Trap can result in a kill.

Another strength of this duo is Morgana’s Black Shield (E), which can save a Caitlyn about to be caught in crowd control.


Photo of Lux from League

Another top Caitlyn support pairing is Lux. Lux and Caitlyn form one of the most deadly poke bot lanes in League. They trade disengage and mobility for all-out power and aggression.

The goal with this lane is similar to the Morgana support pairing. You’ll want to poke down your enemies with Piltover Peacemaker and Lux’s Lucent Singularity (E), and once their health bars are low enough, one Light Binding (Q) from your support can lead to a kill.

Once both hit level six, Caitlyn can sit back and last-hit creeps while Lux pokes down opponents and looks for the perfect Light Binding. If it connects, Caitlyn can follow up with a Yordle Snap Trap and Piltover Peacemaker, while Lux can finish the target with her Final Spark (R).


Milio in League

Milio’s emergence on Summoner’s Rift has been interesting. While this enchanter possesses the heals and shields needed for this role, he also has tools that work particularly well with champions with a high auto-attack range like Caitlyn.

Players can take Caitlyn’s poke to the next level as Milio thanks to his passive, Fired Up!, which grants an ally’s next attack a small burn over time when Milio uses an ability on them. With his E, Warm Hugs, Caitlyn can inflict major pressure on enemies without getting close.

The true power of this combination is unlocked when Milio uses his W, Cozy Campfire. This ability provides a small area where allies heal over time and gain increased attack range. Caitlyn, who already has the highest base attack range, can further evolve her sniping abilities and make laning against this pair nearly impossible.


Photo of Thresh from League

Thresh is a fantastic support for almost any ADC in League, including Caitlyn. Similar to Lux and Morgana, the synergy between Caitlyn and Thresh lies in their ability to CC opponents for extended periods. Thresh’s Death Sentence (Q) and Caitlyn’s Yordle Snap Trap work well together to immobilize opponents.

Thresh differs from the other support pairings with his more all-in playstyle and disengage capabilities with Flay (E), Dark Passage (W), and The Box (R). This duo is less susceptible to ganks from the enemy jungler.

Thresh’s displacement abilities make this combo more difficult with a random support partner. Proper coordination is necessary to avoid pulling or pushing an enemy out of Caitlyn’s Yordle Snap Trap range.


Photo of Leona from League

Leona is another support that works well with Caitlyn in League. During the laning phase, Leona’s Zenith Blade (E) followed by Caitlyn’s Yordle Snap Trap can lock down opponents for an extended period. They can stun the target and follow up with damage from Piltover Peacemaker and 90 Caliber Net (E).

Additionally, if Leona has her ultimate ability, Solar Flare (R), ready, it can provide more CC.

While this support option is riskier than Thresh because of the lack of disengage and utility, it offers pure CC. Be cautious of ganks because Caitlyn and Leona are vulnerable in those situations.


Photo of Lulu from League

Lulu differs from the previous entries as she provides no hard CC. However, she is an amazing support when paired with Caitlyn or any other ADC. Lulu’s abilities focus on keeping her carry alive and providing buffs.

Help, Pix! (E) gives the targeted ally a shield, and Whimsy (W) offers bonus attack speed and movement speed. Lulu’s ultimate ability, Wild Growth (R), provides a knock-up and bonus health.

When combined, these abilities allow Caitlyn to stay alive and deal damage during lane battles or teamfights. Lulu also has surprising amounts of damage in the early stages of the game.


Photo of Senna from League

Senna remains a top support choice for Caitlyn and other ADCs who enjoy early-game lane pressure. Senna’s long-range attacks and slow from her Q, Piercing Darkness, allow both her and Caitlyn to deal damage safely. Her W, Last Embrace, can be used to root opponents when combined with a Caitlyn trap.

However, Caitlyn and Senna lack mobility outside of Senna’s brief movement speed buff from Curse of the Black Mist. Initiation on either of them can be problematic.

Related keywords: Caitlyn, ADC, League of Legends, supports, Morgana, Lux, Milio, Thresh, Leona, Lulu, Senna