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Top Soraka Build in League of Legends

Support champions in League of Legends that play in the bot lane have a variety of tools to help their allies succeed. For example, champions like Leona and Nautilus disrupt their opponents with crowd control abilities, while enchanters like Soraka provide massive heals and shields to their teammates, allowing them to continue fighting.

Soraka has made a comeback in League because of the powerful healing she provides throughout the game. Although her healing ability costs her a significant portion of her health in the early laning phase, her low-cooldown heal in the late game makes her a force to be reckoned with. Enemies often prioritize targeting Soraka to try and shut down her healing capabilities.

League’s recent durability changes aimed to reduce the amount of healing accessible to champions, among other things. However, Soraka’s combination of abilities and item synergy still make her healing incredibly difficult for enemies to handle. With her slow and silence abilities, she remains a strong support option for any team composition.

Now, let’s take a look at the best build for Soraka in League.

### Best Runes for Soraka

![Screengrab via Riot Games](img src=”/path/to/image.png”)

#### Sorcery

– **Keystone—Summon Aery**: Taking Summon Aery as Soraka’s keystone further amplifies her heals. This provides healed allies with a small shield for a brief duration, which can be crucial in turning fights in your team’s favor. Summon Aery also boosts Soraka’s damage when hitting enemy champions, synergizing well with her poke ability.

– **Manaflow Band**: Like other enchanters, Soraka struggles to maintain her mana due to high ability costs. Manaflow Band helps alleviate this issue by restoring a portion of Soraka’s mana when she damages enemy champions.

– **Transcendence**: Soraka benefits from using her abilities as much as possible to support herself and her allies. Transcendence rewards Soraka with additional ability haste as she levels up, becoming even more powerful at level 11 with cooldown resets on takedowns.

– **Scorch**: Soraka’s Q ability is great for poking enemies. This ability not only slows enemies but also provides Soraka with some self-healing. Taking Scorch gives Soraka extra firepower when landing her Q, although it has a small cooldown.

#### Resolve

– **Bone Plating**: Soraka struggles to survive against champions that catch her off-guard due to her low base defenses and the health cost of her W ability. Bone Plating activates after Soraka takes damage from enemy champions, reducing further damage from them by a decent amount.

– **Revitalize**: Increasing the potency of Soraka’s heals is crucial. While items play a significant role in this, runes like Revitalize provide buffs to her healing right from the start of the game.

Bonuses: +9 adaptive force, +9 adaptive force, +6 armor

### Best Starting Items for Soraka

![Screengrab via Riot Games](img src=”/path/to/image.png”)

– **Spellthief’s Edge**: As the starting item for most enchanter champions, Spellthief’s Edge rewards players with extra gold for damaging enemy champions and structures. Once the gold threshold is reached, players can place wards, which reset when they return to the fountain.

– **Health Potions**: Soraka’s W ability heals her ally by taking from her own health. Combined with poke damage from the enemy bot lane, Soraka is often low on health. Health potions can temporarily solve this problem, but players should be aware of her vulnerability to damage.

– **Stealth Ward**: As a support, Soraka wants to provide as much information for her allies as possible. Wards allow her to do this, but she needs to be cautious due to her low base armor, magic resist, and health.

### Best Core Items for Soraka

![Screengrab via Riot Games](img src=”/path/to/image.png”)

– **Moonstone Renewer/Shurelya’s Battlesong**: With the recent durability update and Soraka’s already efficient heals, players can opt for Shurelya’s Battlesong as their Mythic item to give Soraka another way to support her allies. However, if there is a significant amount of damage from the enemy team, prioritizing the extra healing from Moonstone Renewer is advised.

– **Chemtech Putrifier**: Opponents often rush items with Grievous Wounds to counter Soraka’s heals. Players should do the same by purchasing Chemtech Putrifier as their second or third completed item. This item can be activated by landing Soraka’s Q and E abilities.

– **Ardent Censer/Staff of Flowing Waters**: These support items are crucial for Soraka to buff and support her allies. Both should ideally be built, but the order depends on the team composition. Ardent Censer is great for ADCs focused on basic attacks, while Staff of Flowing Water works better in team fights due to the ability power buff it provides.

– **Ionian Boots of Lucidity**: Building Ionian Boots of Lucidity provides Soraka with much-needed ability haste and a small boost to her speed, which can make a significant difference in her survivability.

### Best Late-Game Items for Soraka

![Screengrab via Riot Games](img src=”/path/to/image.png”)

– **Redemption**: Soraka’s ultimate ability has a long cooldown, so she relies on her W ability, which gradually takes away her health. Getting a Redemption can give Soraka another wide-area heal on a shorter cooldown, complementing her other items.

– **Mikael’s Blessing**: Crowd control is a significant threat in League, especially during team fights. Mikael’s Blessing allows Soraka to cleanse her allies from crowd control effects, enabling them to continue fighting.

Soraka, League of Legends, build, runes, starting items, core items, late-game items