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Top Scaling ADCs in League of Legends

If you’ve been playing Lucian or Kalista, you know how satisfying it is to dominate the early game. But as the game progresses, you might find yourself stuck with the same stats and unable to progress. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the top 7 best scaling ADCs in LoL that you should try in your next game.

ADCs in League…

In League of Legends, there are many champions to choose from in the ADC role. Jinx and Tristana excel in attack speed, while Draven and Jhin offer high early damage. The good news is that all ADC champions are currently viable and competitive in the current meta.

However, it’s important to note that the meta can change based on a variety of circumstances, so it’s always a good idea to stay informed. That being said, let’s dive into the top 7 best scaling ADCs in the game.

7. Kog’Maw

Kog’Maw is known for his late-game power and long-range damage. His abilities, like Living Artillery, allow him to deal explosive damage and shred tanks. However, he lacks mobility and is vulnerable to ganks, so it’s important to play smart and position carefully.

6. Vayne

Vayne is a high-skill ADC who excels at assassinating enemies. With her stealth and mobility, she can surprise opponents and deal massive damage. Although she has a weak early game, she becomes a late-game monster with the right items and positioning.

5. Twitch

Twitch is a hybrid of an AD carry and an assassin. His stealth allows him to flank enemies and catch them off guard. With the right positioning and strategy, Twitch can be a deadly force in team fights.

4. Senna

Senna can be played as both a support and an ADC. With her long-range damage and healing abilities, she can be a valuable asset to any team. She scales extremely well into the late game and can outshine other ADCs.

3. Kai’Sa

Kai’Sa is a versatile ADC who can be played in the jungle or the bot lane. She has the ability to build dynamically and adapt to different situations. With the right items and skills, she can be a powerful carry in the late game.

2. Jinx

Jinx is a classic hyper carry with incredible late-game damage. Although her early game is weak, she rewards players who can overcome those challenges. Her ultimate can turn the tide of team fights and secure kills from a long range.

1. Aphelios

Aphelios is a complex champion with a unique ability kit. He can switch between five different weapons, each with its own abilities. Although he is challenging to master, he has the potential to dominate in the hands of skilled players.

Remember, these rankings may vary based on personal preferences and play styles. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the game. Good luck in your next match!