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Top Runes for ADCs in League of Legends Season 12 (2022 / 2023)

Bot Lane in League of Legends is all about synergy, managing experience and farm, and setting up space for your jungler. ADCs, or Attack Damage Carries, are the main champions in the bot lane that scale well and deal high damage. Choosing the right runes for ADCs is crucial, and this guide will help you make the best choice for season 12.

Best Runes for ADCs in League of Legends:

  • Lethal Tempo
  • Press the Attack
  • Fleet Footwork
  • Dark Harvest

Choosing the wrong runes can put you at a significant disadvantage. So, if you’re wondering which runes to take for bot lane ADCs, this guide is for you. It will help you climb efficiently by selecting the most powerful runes for your champion.

If you’re also interested in the best jungler runes, be sure to check out our article on that topic.

Lethal Tempo

Best ADC Runes Lethal Tempo League of Legends

Lethal Tempo is a popular and strong choice for ADCs in season 12. It allows your champion to temporarily exceed their maximum attack speed and gain an extended attack range. It also provides bonus attack speed per stack. Champions like Jinx, Ashe, and Twitch, who rely on frequent auto-attacks and kiting, can benefit greatly from this rune.

How it Works:

Basic attacks against enemy champions grant a stack that lasts for 6 seconds, stacking up to 6 times. Each stack increases your attack speed, and at max stacks, you gain bonus attack range and an increased attack speed cap.

Runes To Take With It:

The Precision tree offers additional utility for ADCs. After selecting Lethal Tempo, you can choose the following runes:

– Triumph: Provides HP recovery and extra gold on takedowns.

– Legend: Alacrity: Gives scaling attack speed.

– Coup De Grace: Deals extra damage to low-health targets.

Press The Attack

Best ADC Runes Press The Attack League of Legends

Press The Attack is a keystone rune that rewards offensive players. It provides bonus damage on the third consecutive attack against an enemy champion and increases damage with subsequent auto-attacks for a short period. This rune is great for champions like Lucian and Vayne, who can quickly stack the bonus damage with their fast attacks.

How it Works:

Basic attacks against enemy champions apply a stack that lasts for 4 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. Attacking a champion after activating Press The Attack exposes them, causing them to take increased damage from all sources for 6 seconds.

Runes To Take With It:

For optimal performance with Press The Attack, you can choose the following runes:

– Triumph: Provides healing and extra gold on takedowns.

– Legend: Alacrity: Gives scaling attack speed.

– Coup De Grace: Deals extra damage to low-health targets.

Fleet Footwork

Best ADC Runes Fleet Footwork League of Legends

Fleet Footwork is a sustain-focused keystone that helps you stay in lane and sustain until you have enough gold to back. It provides a temporary speed boost when triggered and charges by moving or attacking. Champions like Caitlyn and Aphelios, who benefit from sustained presence in lane and movement speed for kiting, can make good use of this rune.

How it Works:

Moving and basic attacking generate “Energize” stacks, up to 100. When fully Energized, your next basic attack heals you and grants bonus movement speed. The healing is less effective against minions for ranged champions.

Runes To Take With It:

For Fleet Footwork, you can choose the following runes:

– Triumph: Provides healing and extra gold on takedowns.

– Legend: Alacrity: Gives scaling attack speed.

– Coup De Grace: Deals extra damage to low-health targets.

Dark Harvest

Best ADC Runes Dark Harvest League of Legends

Dark Harvest is an offensive rune that rewards champions with high burst damage. It deals additional damage to enemy champions below 50% health and grants a stack on takedowns. Dark Harvest has a cooldown that resets on champion takedowns. While ADCs are known for sustained damage, champions like Jhin, Miss Fortune, and Draven can benefit from the nuking potential of Dark Harvest.

How it Works:

Damaging basic attacks and ability damage against enemy champions below half health trigger Dark Harvest. It deals damage based on your level, the number of harvested souls, and your adaptive damage. After a short delay, you reap a Soul. Dark Harvest has a cooldown that resets on champion takedowns.

Runes To Take With It:

To complement Dark Harvest, you can choose the following runes:

– Taste of Blood: Provides healing after attacking an enemy champion.

– Eyeball Collection: Gives bonus damage on takedowns, up to 10 stacks.

– Ravenous Hunter: Provides healing from ability damage.

These are just a few examples of runes for ADCs. Some champions have unique keystone choices, such as Conqueror for Samira, First Strike for Ezreal, and Hail of Blades for Kai’Sa. It’s important to experiment and find the best rune setup for your preferred champion and playstyle.

Remember, in the bot lane, synergy with your support is key. These runes are some of the best choices for ADCs in season 12. Whether you’re a seasoned ADC player or planning to try out the role, these runes will help you succeed. We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences, so feel free to share them below!