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Top Renekton Counters in League of Legends

Renekton: The Early-Game Top Lane Beast

Renekton is a formidable top laner in League of Legends solo queue. With his high base damage and tankiness, he can dominate his opponent early on and become a force to be reckoned with in team fights.

Renekton’s kit includes sustain, a stun, dash, and plenty of base damage. Unlike other top laners, he doesn’t require much to get started. He can even hold his own against ranged ADCs who typically pose a threat to other top laners.

However, while Renekton is strong, he can be controlled during the laning phase to prevent him from snowballing. If you find yourself in a tough matchup against him, there are several counter picks and items that can help you win the lane.

General Strategy

Renekton is considered a lane bully, and his unique resource generation mechanic, Reign of Anger, gives him improved abilities that deal more damage, heal more, or break shields. To survive the laning phase against Renekton, it’s important to pay attention to his Fury. When his Fury is over 50, it’s best to back away and let him waste it on clearing minions. Engaging him with a full resource bar gives him an advantage in trades and can even lead to your death. It’s also important to avoid fighting him in minion waves, as his ability Cull of the Meek (Q) allows him to regain health by hitting minions. Additionally, if your champion has shields, be aware that Renekton’s improved Ruthless Predator (W) can break them, so don’t rely on those abilities during trades.

Best Counter Picks

Kled: Shutting Down Renekton’s Sustain

Kled is one of the best champions to counter Renekton because of his built-in healing-reduction effect. Kled’s Jousting (E) allows him to escape melee range if Renekton catches up to him, and his Bear Trap on a Rope (Q) deals damage to Renekton from a safe distance. Kled’s Violent Tendencies (W) gives him increased attack speed, making his trades powerful against Renekton. Additionally, Kled can roam and use Chaaaaaaaarge!!! (R) to influence other parts of the map while Renekton focuses on the top lane. By denying Renekton an early lead and snowballing your team, you can outscale him and have a better presence in team fights and split-pushing.

Quinn: Ranged Advantage and Blinding Assault

Quinn is another strong counterpick against Renekton, thanks to her range advantage and her ability Blinding Assault (Q), which applies a blind. During the laning phase, simply attack Renekton whenever he tries to last hit minions. If he engages on you, use the blind or Vault (E) to distance yourself and turn the tables on him. As Quinn, you have a high chance of winning the lane and can keep Renekton under control by maintaining a safe distance. Once you reach level six and acquire Behind Enemy Lines (R), you can roam around the map with increased movement speed and apply pressure on the opposing team. In the mid to late game, focus on split pushing rather than grouping up for team fights, as Renekton can still be a threat in team fights.

Gnar: Poking and Skirmishing

Gnar is a popular top lane pick against Renekton. His ranged form allows him to poke Renekton with Boomerang Throw (Q) and force him to play defensively. It’s important to avoid short trades, as Renekton can quickly engage and deal significant damage. Instead, poke Renekton from a safe distance and fill up Gnar’s rage bar. Once in melee form, get in close range to outtrade him and then retreat back to ranged form. Repeat this process to keep Renekton under control. It’s crucial to avoid getting engaged on by Renekton, as Gnar is squishy in ranged form. As the game progresses, Gnar will outscale Renekton for team fights. Teleport plays with a full rage bar can help your team win mid-game team fights, and diving the backline of the opposing team can give your team the advantage. Avoid teleporting without a full rage bar, as Gnar’s melee form and ultimate are crucial in team fights.

Items to Counter Renekton

Plated Steelcaps for Defense

When facing Renekton’s physical damage, Plated Steelcaps are the recommended boots option. The early armor and flat damage reduction make them effective against him.

Bramble Vest for Anti-Sustain

If you find yourself in melee range against Renekton frequently, Bramble Vest is a great anti-sustain item. The armor it provides complements its anti-healing effect.

Executioner’s Calling for Ranged Champions

Executioner’s Calling is an excellent anti-sustain item for ranged champions who can poke Renekton. It’s a cost-effective early-game investment and can be upgraded later on.

Sunfire Aegis for Tankiness and Damage

Sunfire Aegis is a powerful Mythic tank item that can shut down Renekton. Combining it with Bramble Vest provides both damage and anti-healing effects against him.

Goredrinker for Bruisers

Goredrinker is a fantastic Mythic bruiser item that matches Renekton’s sustain. It allows you to regain a significant amount of health during an all-in, giving you a chance to turn the tide of the skirmish.

Stridebreaker for Mobility and Kiting

Stridebreaker is a Mythic item that helps you escape Renekton with its dash ability. The movement speed it grants enables efficient kiting and wearing down Renekton’s health pool.

Renekton, League of Legends, top lane, counter picks, Kled, Quinn, Gnar, Plated Steelcaps, Bramble Vest, Executioner’s Calling, Sunfire Aegis, Goredrinker, Stridebreaker