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Top Renekton build for League of Legends

Renekton: A Powerful Top Laner in League of Legends

Renekton is currently one of the most popular top laners in League of Legends. His strength is undeniable, and if he isn’t banned, you can expect either your top laner or the opponent to pick him. Renekton excels at punishing carries who fail to position correctly with his high damage and mobility. While his scaling into the late-game may not be as strong as other champions, the outcome of the game is often determined by your play by then.

Recommended Runes for Renekton

Precision Runes:

  • Press the Attack: This keystone deals a tremendous amount of early damage. It allows you to punish your opponent without giving them time to respond. Against tanky compositions, you can opt for Conqueror for better scaling into the mid or late game.
  • Triumph: Triumph helps you survive low-health encounters and earn extra gold on takedowns. It can make a difference in teamfights by giving you enough time to use your Q and survive.
  • Legend: Alacrity: This basic rune increases your attack speed and makes your attacks feel smoother. It is the default rune against all types of teams, but if you’re facing heavy crowd-control, you can go for Legend: Tenacity. If you need lifesteal early on, then Legend: Bloodline is a good alternative.
  • Last Stand: As Renekton, you’ll often soak up poke damage while reaching enemy champions. This rune makes you extremely deadly when you have low health.

Resolve Runes:

  • Demolish: This rune is essential for taking down towers easily. Since Renekton’s kit doesn’t provide extra damage to towers, Demolish helps you snowball early on, especially with tower plates.
  • Bone Plating: Early tankiness combined with this rune makes you oppressive. It enhances your kit and allows you to dominate the early game. It also helps you survive burst champions by reducing their initial damage.

Starting Items for Renekton

Doran’s Blade:

This offensive item is perfect for starting with Renekton. It grants you health, attack damage, and lifesteal, helping you survive the laning phase and acquire your core items easily. Against ranged matchups, opt for Doran’s Shield for a better laning phase.

Health Potion:

During the farming phase, you’ll likely take damage from enemy champions. Health potions heal back 150 health over 15 seconds and provide extra time before needing to base.

Core Items for Renekton

Ninja Tabi:

Ninja Tabi is the best defensive option for Renekton in the top lane. Since you’re a melee champion, you’ll face a lot of auto-attacks early on. Getting this item early reduces the pressure and helps you survive the laning phase. Rush Ninja Tabi against any AD matchup.

Blade of the Ruined King:

Blade of the Ruined King is a staple item for Renekton due to its synergy with his kit. The health steal effect activates with Renekton’s W, making it an excellent choice. The build path is also great, providing kill potential, especially against immobile champions.

Black Cleaver:

Black Cleaver is a core item against most compositions, especially against tanky champions. It grants health, cooldown reduction, and armor penetration, allowing you to melt tanks easily. The passive movement speed effect helps you stick to targets.

Late-game Items for Renekton

Death’s Dance:

Death’s Dance is the best offensive-oriented item for Renekton. It offers defensive and offensive stats along with a damage mitigation effect. It prevents you from being burst down quickly by turning upfront damage into a damage-over-time effect.

Guardian Angel:

Guardian Angel makes you an even bigger threat by giving you two chances to take down opponents. Reviving gives your team enough time to dismantle the enemy team as you come back to life.

Sterak’s Gage:

Sterak’s Gage is a core item for Renekton as it makes you tanky enough to survive teamfights. The absorption shield scales with health items, making it more effective as the game progresses. If you don’t have any health items, this item won’t be as useful.

Situational Items for Renekton

Mercury’s Treads:

Mercury’s Treads are essential if you’re facing heavy ability power damage or crowd control. Rush them against mages in the top lane to reduce their damage output.

Deadman’s Plate:

Deadman’s Plate is a great tanky item that enhances your movement speed. It provides health, armor, and a slow effect against melee champions, helping you stick to your targets.

Randuin’s Omen:

Randuin’s Omen is an excellent defensive item against AD champions. The AoE slow effect also helps you reach carries easily. Rush this item after Blade of the Ruined King if you’re facing many AD-oriented champions.

Bramble Vest:

Bramble Vest is a good item against bruiser champions who have strong healing early on. It reduces the healing output of enemy champions attacking you. If you’re facing mages or tanks, go for Executioner’s Blade instead to apply the Grievous Wounds effect.

Quicksilver Sash:

Quicksilver Sash is an excellent item against champions with a lot of crowd control. It can be activated at will to cleanse crowd control, allowing you to move freely in teamfights. The upgraded version, Mercurial Scimitar, grants attack damage, lifesteal, and a burst of movement speed.

Spirit Visage:

Spirit Visage is a top choice against heavy magic damage-oriented teams. It provides magic resist, health, and boosts the healing you receive. Rush it as a second item instead of Black Cleaver against AP-oriented teams.

Renekton, League of Legends, top laner, runes, starting items, core items, late-game items, situational items