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Top Picks: Which Heroes Will Dominate the LoL World Championships 2023?

Our Top Picks for Worlds 2023

The highly anticipated League of Legends World Championship, Worlds, is known for bringing out the best of the best in the professional esports scene. With over 160 champions available in the game, the metagame heavily influences which champions are favored in pro play. Here are the power picks we expect to see dominate the 2023 League World Championship:

Kai’Sa: The Undisputed Champion

Kai'Sa's Star Guardian skin in League of Legends

Kai’Sa is the go-to pick for almost every professional team at Worlds 2023. Her versatility and ability to adapt to different playstyles make her a force to be reckoned with. She excels at taking down single targets, especially when paired with a tank support. However, due to her popularity, she may also become a frequent ban if not picked early.

Lee Sin: The Unstoppable Jungler

Lee Sin wearing cyberpunk gear in League of Legends

Lee Sin is the go-to jungler for professional players in Patch 13.19. Despite his challenging mechanics, professionals have mastered his kit and can effectively engage and disengage in team fights. With the recent buffs to his core items, especially Goredrinker, Lee Sin will be a common sight in Worlds 2023 due to his playmaking abilities.

Alistar: The Versatile Support

Lunar Beast Alistar leaping and ready to punch in League of Legends

Alistar has made a comeback in the tanky support meta and will be a popular pick at the 2023 Worlds, particularly for playmaking supports. With shorter cooldowns on his abilities, Alistar can engage with his powerful combos more frequently, making him a dominant force in the mid-game. He pairs well with most ADCs and is a solid blind pick for bot lane domination.

Rakan: The Playmaker

Rakan in League of Legends

Rakan has remained a consistent playmaking pick for professionals throughout Season 13, including Patch 13.19. His low ability cooldowns and crowd-control abilities make him invaluable in late-game team fights. Rakan’s versatility allows him to synergize well with most champions, making him a reliable support choice at Worlds 2023.

Taliyah: The Map Manipulator

Star Guardian Taliyah stands above a huge city in League of Legends

Taliyah may not have combat-based ultimates like other popular champions, but she remains a favored pick among professionals in Patch 13.19. Her ultimate can be used strategically to section off the map for team fights or as a disengagement tool. Combined with her slows and high damage output, Taliyah can be a game-changer in the jungle and mid lane at Worlds 2023.

Orianna: The Teamfight Specialist

Victorious Orianna LoL splash art

Orianna is the most popular mid lane champion for professionals in Patch 13.19. Her ultimate skill is crucial in team fights and can turn the tides in favor of her team. With her safe laning experience and ability to shield allies, Orianna allows her jungler to focus on other areas of the map. She will be a common pick on the Rift at Worlds 2023.

K’Sante: The Challenging Necessity

Prestige Emperor K'Sante surrounded by butterflies in front of a city in League of Legends

K’Sante is a challenging champion to master but is a necessity for professionals in Patch 13.19. His crowd control, invulnerability, and damage make him a valuable asset in team fights and a formidable top laner. As we approach his rework, it will be exciting to see how professionals handle his unique mechanics at Worlds 2023.

Xayah: The High-damage ADC

Xayah's Brave Phoenix skin in League of Legends

Xayah has risen to prominence among AD carries in Patch 13.19. Building her with Berserker’s Greaves, Navori Quickblades, and Kraken Slayer results in high critical strike chance and attack damage. Due to her power, she may become a priority pick, and if not chosen early, she’s likely to be banned to prevent the enemy team from utilizing her strength.

Aatrox: The Tanky Top Laner

DRX Aatrox splash art

Aatrox is a staple pick among professionals in Patch 13.19, especially in the top lane. With recent buffs to his items, including Goredrinker, Aatrox has become a menacing and tanky top laner. His wave-clearing, engagement, and objective control abilities make him a huge asset to any team.

Jhin: The High-Damage Marksman

Dark Star Jhin LoL splash art

Jhin may not be the most popular ADC in professional play, but in the Patch 13.19 meta, expect to see him at Worlds 2023. With his scaling and high damage output, every hit feels like a devastating blow. In the hands of professionals, Jhin becomes a versatile and deadly champion, excelling at eliminating enemy players one by one with his ultimate ability.

Jarvan IV: The Playmaker

Jarvan IV default skin with javelin in League of Legends

Jarvan IV offers a complete package for professional players, making him a popular pick in competitive play. His playmaking abilities and skirmishing potential are highly valued, and he can be played in various roles. While he falls off slightly in the late game, skilled players can make early-game plays and disrupt team fights.

Bonus: Aphelios

Aphelios' Spirit Blossom skin in League of Legends

Aphelios may not be in the meta for Patch 13.19, but his versatility and damage output make him a sought-after champion by professionals. While his win rate may not be the highest, Aphelios is often chosen to prevent the enemy team from utilizing his power. Expect him to be a comfort pick for many pros in the bot lane if not banned.

These are our top picks for the Worlds 2023 power picks. Stay tuned for more updates and analysis as the tournament progresses!

League of Legends, Worlds 2023, esports, power picks, champions, professional play