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Top picks for supporting Samira in League of Legends

The League of Legends meta is always changing, especially with updates to champions and items. One champion that has recently risen to the top is Samira, the Desert Rose. She has become one of the best marksmen in the game due to recent updates and changes.

However, as an aggressive AD carry, Samira needs specific supports to maximize her strengths and minimize her weaknesses. In this article, we will discuss the best supports to pair with Samira in League.

Best Samira Supports in League

The best supports to play with Samira in League include Alistar, Leona, Rell, Nautilus, Thresh, Rakan, Pyke, and Amumu.

Samira’s playstyle is unique among AD carries, which sets her apart from the rest of the roster. She doesn’t rely on playing safe in the backline but rather excels in aggressive gameplay. To fully utilize her potential, it’s crucial to have a support who can accelerate her growth in the laning phase and provide tools for teamfights.


Alistar is a great champion to partner with many ADCs, including Samira. He has both aggressive and defensive qualities that make him a strong choice. His healing passive allows him to sustain in lane and teamfights. His ultimate and combo (Headbutt – Pulverize) provide great engage and disengage tools. Alistar’s strengths make him an excellent support for Samira.


Leona is another fantastic support that pairs well with Samira. She possesses both aggressive and defensive abilities. Her engage combo (Zenith Blade – Shield of Daybreak) is a powerful tool to take down enemy ADCs. Their ultimates synergize exceptionally well, creating a deadly duo in teamfights. Additionally, Leona is great at peeling for her ADC and keeping them alive.


Rell and Samira make an unstoppable pair with their kits. Their engage combo (Wild Rush – Attract and Repel) can quickly stun and eliminate enemy ADCs. Rell’s ultimate is a perfect tool for crowd control, allowing Samira to deal damage safely. Despite her slightly lower win rate, Rell’s rework has made her a viable tank support that compliments Samira’s playstyle.


Nautilus has recently returned to the meta and is one of the strongest supports to play alongside Samira. His aggressive kit and crowd-control abilities make him an excellent choice. Nautilus can close the gap with his hook (Dredge Line) and set up kills with his stun (Staggering Blow). He’s also hard to kill, which allows Samira to deal damage safely.


Thresh is an iconic support that synergizes well with many ADCs, including Samira. His kit provides both aggressive and defensive tools. Thresh’s engage combo (Death Sentence – Flay) can trap enemies and create opportunities for Samira to deal damage. His lantern (Dark Passage) can be used for escapes or rescuing teammates. Thresh’s overall kit creates space for Samira to safely carry teamfights.


Rakan and Samira form a strong duo in the bot lane. Rakan’s engage and disengage tools, such as Grand Entrance and The Quickness, can create distractions and favorable trades for Samira. Rakan’s abilities can be used defensively as well, making him a versatile support. With proper coordination, Rakan can charm multiple enemies with his ultimate, allowing Samira to unleash her ultimate and secure kills.


Pyke is a unique and aggressive support that can create a powerful combo with Samira. While he lacks sustain, his hook (Bone Skewer) and crowd-control abilities can quickly eliminate squishy champions. Pyke’s ultimate deals significant damage, allowing him and Samira to kill enemies before they can react. This synergy makes Pyke a dangerous option to pair with Samira.


Although not a popular support pick, Amumu and Samira can be a formidable duo in the bot lane. Amumu’s Bandage Toss is a key ability for engaging and stunning opponents, allowing Samira to follow up with her abilities. Amumu’s ultimate can also turn the tide of teamfights. While unconventional, Amumu’s tankiness and roaming potential make him a fun and surprising support choice for Samira.

In summary, the best supports to play with Samira in League are Alistar, Leona, Rell, Nautilus, Thresh, Rakan, Pyke, and Amumu. Each support offers unique advantages and synergies with Samira’s aggressive playstyle. Experiment with different support champions to find the best fit for your team.

League of Legends, Samira, best supports, Alistar, Leona, Rell, Nautilus, Thresh, Rakan, Pyke, Amumu.