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Top Picks for Supporting Kai’Sa in League of Legends

League of Legends is constantly changing with new champions and updates that impact the meta. Kai’Sa has recently regained popularity in Season 13, making her one of the most popular champions.

The Best Duo with Kai’Sa in League of Legends

The best supports to pair with Kai’Sa in League include Alistar, Blitzcrank, Nautilus, Rell, Thresh, Amumu, Pyke, and Zyra. Kai’Sa is a squishy champion, so a tanky support that can help with engaging or disengaging from fights is ideal.

This means Kai’Sa is a particular champion that requires a strong setup from her team and support. In Season 13, tank supports are popular, so champions like Lulu, Yuumi, and Milio are not recommended. Luckily, there are several good choices that synergize well with Kai’Sa.


Alistar is an excellent support for Kai’Sa because of his engaging capabilities. His kit allows him to pick off enemies and initiate teamfights. His ultimate also provides extra durability, making him a valuable support as the game progresses.

When paired with Kai’Sa, their potential is enhanced. Kai’Sa can easily follow up Alistar’s engage with her ultimate and deal significant damage. Alistar’s Headbutt (W) and Pulverize (Q) can also be used defensively to protect Kai’Sa from enemy attacks.


Blitzcrank is a powerful support to pair with Kai’Sa. His Rocket Grab (Q) can change the flow of a game and isolate targets for Kai’Sa to deal more damage. However, Blitzcrank lacks defensive skills, so his crowd control is limited in terms of peeling for Kai’Sa.

The goal of playing Blitzcrank with Kai’Sa is to look for long-range hooks and punish the enemy. A successful hook can allow Kai’Sa to whittle down the enemy’s health and secure a win. It’s important to have good hook locations and communicate with your team to maximize the potential of this duo.


Nautilus is a strong and reliable support for any ADC, including Kai’Sa. He has a straightforward kit and his ultimate provides a reliable point-and-click knock up, which is perfect for Kai’Sa. Nautilus excels at closing the gap on opponents with his Dredge Line (Q) and has plenty of crowd control to keep enemies locked down.

While Nautilus can still be relevant with game-changing hooks or ultimates, it’s harder to have the same impact if he falls behind. It’s important to play carefully and have good positioning to maximize Nautilus’ effectiveness as a support for Kai’Sa.


Rell is a fantastic support for Kai’Sa due to her hard engages and teamfight initiation. She can quickly focus on one target, stunning them long enough for Kai’Sa to burst them down. However, Rell and Kai’Sa require coordination to chain their spells effectively.

If possible, playing Rell and Kai’Sa as a duo can enhance their coordination and maximize their combo chains. This bot lane duo can give you an advantage in the mid-game.


Thresh is an ideal support for Kai’Sa, offering engage, disengage, and repositioning opportunities. His all-in-one kit makes him one of the most versatile support champions. Thresh’s engage potential, disengage options, and his ultimate’s AoE slow make him a valuable support for Kai’Sa.

Playing Thresh with Kai’Sa requires understanding the synergy between the two champions. It’s important to trade slowly and use spacing to deal damage without giving opponents a chance to fight back. Communication between the support and ADC is key to maximizing their potential as a duo.


Amumu may be an off-meta pick, but he is an excellent support to pair with Kai’Sa. His hard engages, crowd control abilities, and game-changing ultimate make him a menace in the bot lane. Amumu’s crowd control provides ample time for Kai’Sa to eliminate targets.


Pyke offers a unique playstyle as a support for Kai’Sa. He isn’t very tanky, but he excels at bursting enemies down alongside Kai’Sa. His ultimate allows for quick executions and resets, making him a formidable duo with Kai’Sa. However, Pyke’s lack of tankiness and limited peeling ability can be a disadvantage in late-game teamfights.


Zyra is an absolute dream to pair with Kai’Sa, especially after her buffs in Patch 13.14. She may be squishy, but she creates ambush opportunities with her abilities. Zyra’s Grasping Roots (E) and damaging abilities can set up Kai’Sa to deal significant damage. Good positioning and communication between Zyra and Kai’Sa are essential to maximize their effectiveness as a duo.

These are the best supports for Kai’Sa in League of Legends. It’s important to communicate and coordinate with your teammates to make the most of these champion combinations.