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Top Picks for League of Legends ARURF Champions

All Random Ultra Rapid Fire mode now available in League of Legends

The highly anticipated All Random Ultra Rapid Fire (ARURF) mode has finally made its way to the League of Legends client. Throughout the month of May, players will be able to enjoy a fast-paced and exhilarating game mode, although they will have to sacrifice their champion’s pick. In return, players will experience reduced Mana and Energy consumption by 100 percent, along with 300 ability haste and bonus attack speed, allowing them to unleash a relentless onslaught of abilities.

Must-pick champions for ARURF


Zed is a formidable champion who can swiftly eliminate squishy opponents before disappearing into the shadows. Mastering Zed may require some practice, but once you acquire the necessary skills, there will be no stopping you from dominating the battlefield.


If Zed proves to be too challenging, Morgana is another excellent choice. With her ability to stun opponents frequently and her versatility in either solo or duo playstyles, Morgana is a must-have champion for ARURF.

Anivia and Shaco

Anivia and Shaco are two AP-based champions that excel in ARURF. Anivia’s ultimate becomes endless once she reaches level six, and combined with her long-ranged stun, she becomes a formidable force to reckon with. Shaco, on the other hand, relies on deception and tricks to outwit opponents. His ability to vanish in an instant presents a constant threat and keeps enemies on their toes.

General tips

AP-based champions tend to thrive in ARURF due to the absence of high mana costs and cooldowns. This makes them incredibly powerful compared to normal game mode. Champions like Veigar and Yuumi are exceptional choices in ARURF, as they can maximize their abilities without worrying about resource management. Additionally, champions like Master Yi, Malphite, Xin Zhao, Diana, Katarina, Karthus, Leona, Ezreal, Zeri, and Malzahar are also worth giving a try.

In ARURF, players have the opportunity to experiment with various champions without the constraints of mana costs, cooldowns, or ability damage. While some picks may be stronger than others, the temporary game mode encourages summoners to explore and discover new strategies and combinations.

Related keywords: ARURF, League of Legends, champions, fast-paced, abilities, gameplay, experimentation