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Top Pantheon Build in League of Legends: Mastering the Art of Warrior

The Versatile Champion: Pantheon in League of Legends

Pantheon, also known as the Unbreakable Spear, is a versatile champion in League of Legends. While most commonly played in the top lane, Pantheon can also be played in the mid lane and even as a support. His kit allows him to shut down opponents’ abilities and dominate duels throughout the game.

When it comes to itemization, different items will work better for Pantheon depending on the situation in-game. However, there are core items that are essential for achieving victory with Pantheon.


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Conqueror is a rune that builds stacks from basic attacks or spells. Once fully stacked, it heals Pantheon by 15% of the damage dealt to enemy champions. This healing helps Pantheon gain an edge in duels.

Triumph is another rune that provides healing. It grants Pantheon 12% of his missing health after a successful takedown. Additionally, Triumph gives 20 extra gold on takedowns.

Legend: Alacrity assists Pantheon in benefiting from his passive ability, “Mortal Will,” and enhances his combat abilities. After scoring takedowns on enemies, this rune grants Pantheon permanent attack speed.

Coupe De Grace allows Pantheon to deal more damage to enemies with low health, which is especially useful in one-on-one duels.


Biscuit Delivery is important for sustaining Pantheon’s health in the top lane. It also permanently increases his mana pool by 50 for each biscuit consumed.

Time Warp Tonic instantly applies the effects of potions or runes, providing Pantheon with a health boost during combat.

Bonuses: +9 Adaptive Force, +9 Adaptive Force, +15-90 HP (Levels 1-18)

Starting Items

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Corrupting Potion:

Corrupting Potion is crucial for maintaining maximum health during fights, especially in the early game when players often have low health. This item provides 125 health healing and 75 mana restoration, giving Pantheon the advantage he needs to defeat opponents.

Core Items

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Eclipse is a Mythic item that perfectly complements Pantheon’s kit with its bonus attack damage, lethality, and omnivamp. Its unique passive ability deals extra damage to champions hit with two separate attacks, based on a percentage of their health. Eclipse also grants bonus movement speed, a small shield, and 4% armor penetration for other legendary items.

Black Cleaver:

Building a Black Cleaver is important for Pantheon, as it provides an extra 400 health, 40 attack damage, and 20% cooldown reduction. The item’s passives reduce enemy armor and grant Pantheon bonus movement speed after dealing physical damage.

Plated Steelcaps:

Plated Steelcaps not only provide 20 armor and 45 bonus movement speed but also block 12% of damage from basic attacks. This item is particularly useful when facing basic-attack dominant champions.

Late Game Items

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Serylda’s Grudge:

In the later stages of the game, enemies will have increased armor to counter damage from Pantheon’s team. Serylda’s Grudge is essential in this scenario, offering 45 attack damage and a unique passive that slows enemies after dealing damage to them. The item also provides 30 armor penetration and 20 ability haste.

Edge of Night:

Edge of Night boosts Pantheon’s durability with 325 health and 55 attack damage. Its abilities grant bonus lethality armor penetration and a spell shield that blocks the next enemy ability every 40 seconds.

Guardian Angel:

Guardian Angel is a common item for aggressive top lane champions like Pantheon. It allows Pantheon to quickly rejoin the battle after being taken down, restoring him with 50% health and mana. The item also grants 40 bonus armor and attack damage.

Pantheon, League of Legends, versatile champion, runes, precision, inspiration, starting items, core items, late game items, Eclipse, Black Cleaver, Plated Steelcaps, Serylda’s Grudge, Edge of Night, Guardian Angel