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Top off-meta champions to play in LoL Patch 13.14

League of Legends is known for its adherence to the meta game, but exploring off-meta champions can yield valuable results. These champions are often overlooked and can provide a significant advantage in the right situations.

Since the release of Patch 13.14 on July 19, players in both competitive and solo queue have discovered the most optimal picks and strategies to gain an edge over their opponents.

However, players have also found unorthodox and innovative ideas to win games. Although these strategies may be more challenging to execute, knowing that they can be effective can give you a competitive advantage in drafting a team.

Here are some of the best off-meta champions you should consider mastering in League of Legends Patch 13.14.

Rumble support

Rumble has recently gained popularity in the top lane due to his strong poke and all-in potential. Surprisingly, these same qualities make him a formidable support pick when paired with a bot laner who possesses high range. Rumble can harass enemies with his E during the laning phase and capitalize on opportunities for all-ins when opponents drop below 40% health. Additionally, Rumble’s ultimate, Equalizer, can be used to shut down escaping enemies or make impactful roams, making him a relevant presence in teamfights. The recommended build for Rumble support includes Night Harvester as the Mythic item, followed by Zhonya’s Hourglass and Morellonomicon for anti-healing effects if necessary. Demonic Embrace, Void Staff, and Shadowflame complete the build.

Sejuani top and support

Sejuani is primarily considered a strong jungle pick due to her crowd control and engage potential. However, she can also be flexed to the top lane or support role. In the top lane, Sejuani scales well with Heartsteel and excels as a frontline tank. Her wave-shoving capabilities and passive enable her to win short trades against most top laners. As a support, Sejuani provides hard engage and pick potential for your team, despite her weak laning phase. In the top lane, Sejuani’s recommended build includes Heartsteel as the Mythic item, followed by Sunfire Cape, Abyssal Mask, Thornmail, and Force of Nature. For support Sejuani, Radiant Virtue should replace Heartsteel to benefit from the AoE healing effect.

Kog’Maw mid

Kog’Maw is a viable counter pick in the mid lane against scaling control mages. Despite his weak laning phase, Kog’Maw’s AP build allows him to deal consistent poke and harass damage later in the game. Additionally, Kog’Maw can melt through enemy health bars with the right disruption from his teammates. Depending on the Mythic item chosen, Kog’Maw can transition between a tank shredder or a poking machine. Recommended items for Kog’Maw mid include Liandry’s Anguish or Luden’s Echo, followed by Archangel Staff, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, and Rabadon’s Deathcap.

Rell jungle

Rell has recently become one of the strongest support picks in the game after her update in Patch 13.11. However, she is not limited to the support role and can also be played in the jungle. Her versatile kit allows for effective ganks and provides utility and engage tools for her team. While her jungle clear is not exceptional, it is comparable to other tank junglers. The recommended build for Rell jungle includes Evenshroud, Knight’s Vow, and Zeke’s Herald to empower her allies during ganks. The remaining item slots should focus on increasing her resistances, with options such as Abyssal Mask, Frozen Heart, Thornmail, and Force of Nature. Rell may not excel as a solo carry in the jungle, but she greatly contributes to her team’s victory.