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Top Nami Build in League of Legends

A good support is always important in League of Legends, and Nami is no exception. While not the flashiest champion, she can control teamfights and set up her teammates for success.

Nami has the ability to quickly heal allies, provide crowd control, and deliver burst damage to unsuspecting enemies. However, players must choose between out-trading or outlasting their opponents, as the two build paths differ.

Here is the best build for Nami in season 12.


Electrocute: Nami can assist her AD carry partner by providing burst damage with her own kit. Electrocute is activated when a player hits an enemy champion with three separate attacks or abilities, making it devastating when paired with Nami’s E, Tidecaller’s Blessing. For example, it synergizes well with Lucian, who can launch multiple attacks quickly.

Cheap Shot: Landing Nami’s Aqua Prison on an enemy champion sets up kills. Cheap Shot’s extra true damage is great for delivering the final blow on low-health opponents.

Eyeball Collection: Nami should be active around the map to collect champion takedowns, as Eyeball Collection grants extra damage. This damage is crucial for whittling down opponents throughout the game.

Relentless Hunter: Nami’s base movement speed is relatively slow, so Relentless Hunter is important to enhance her effectiveness. She excels when supporting carry champions, and in the later stages of the game, she needs speed to catch up to her team.

Manaflow Band: Nami requires a significant mana pool to sustain her healing and buffing abilities while providing crowd control. Manaflow Band rewards players for affecting an enemy champion with an ability, increasing her maximum mana. When reaching the maximum stacks, Nami regains missing mana over time, allowing her to cast more abilities.

Scorch: Scorch adds a little more damage to Nami’s kit, aiding in securing kills against opponents with low health.

Other bonuses include +9 adaptive force, +9 adaptive force, and +6 armor.


Starting items: Spellthief’s Edge, two health potions

Similar to other enchanters, Nami begins with Spellthief’s Edge for extra AP damage and gold generation from poking enemy champions.

Core build: Imperial Mandate/Moonstone Renewer, Chemtech Putrifier

Depending on playstyle, Nami can choose between Imperial Mandate and Moonstone Renewer as her Mythic choice. Imperial Mandate is ideal for early skirmishes, providing bonus magic damage and movement speed when triggering the mark on immobilized or slowed enemies. On the other hand, Moonstone Renewer focuses on healing, benefiting Nami and her allies by providing continuous health regeneration. Additionally, Chemtech Putrifier increases base mana regeneration and applies Grievous Wounds to buffed ally attacks.

Final items: Staff of Flowing Water, Ardent Censer, Mikael’s Blessing, Watchful Wardstone

Staff of Flowing Water synergizes thematically with Nami and boosts her healing power while granting increased AP and ability haste to her and her healed allies. Ardent Censer is a great choice when playing with an auto-attacking champion as it provides bonus attack speed and on-hit magic damage. Mikael’s Blessing helps cleanse crowd control effects on allies, and Watchful Wardstone ensures ample vision control.

League of Legends, Nami, support champion, build, runes, items, season 12