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Top Mid-Lane Champions in League of Legends with Imbalanced Strength

Mid lane is a role that requires excellent multitasking skills from players. They have to avoid ganks, manage the wave, fight the enemy mid laner, and roam around the map. In League of Legends, there are certain mid lane champions who excel in all of these aspects, making them incredibly powerful. Here are our top seven most powerful mid laners in the game.

7. Corki
Corki is known as the Daring Bombardier. He has insane amounts of damage and can adapt to the enemy’s resistances. All of his abilities can scale off both ability power and attack damage, making him versatile. He has a modified E ability that damages enemies in an area, making his wave clear extremely strong. Overall, Corki is a menace in any situation.

6. Lissandra
Lissandra is a champion that can match almost any opponent in the mid lane. Her kit is filled with crowd control abilities, making her strong in lane, skirmishes, and team fights. She has the ability to repeatedly cast Q, damaging and slowing enemies. She can also root and initiate fights with her W ability and escape or engage with her E ability. Her ultimate ability can be used for both offense and defense.

5. Ahri
Ahri is a highly mobile champion with the ability to apply constant damage. She excels at repositioning, chasing, and avoiding enemies with her mobility spells. Ahri’s passive ability allows her to heal after hitting nine enemies with her abilities. Her wave clear is also exceptional, and she can catch opponents with crowd control using her E ability. In team fights, Ahri can constantly position around enemies while dealing damage.

4. Seraphine
Seraphine is a support champion that can be played in the mid lane as well. She has great wave control and can deal area effect damage with her abilities. Seraphine can also play a support role with her healing ability. Her W ability allows her to apply crowd control and support her teammates. Overall, Seraphine is great at dealing damage and providing support to her team.

3. Swain
Swain is another champion that is usually played as a support but can be played in the mid lane. He has great wave control and can spam his abilities to deal damage and catch enemies in crowd control. Swain’s ultimate ability allows him to drain the health of surrounding enemies, making him extremely durable. His passive ability also provides him with extra health and healing.

2. Vel’Koz
Vel’Koz is a champion that deals true damage, which has become more valuable with the durability updates. He can deal damage from a safe distance with his abilities and has great wave clear. Vel’Koz’s true damage is threatening to tank champions, and he can constantly poke enemies down while staying safe.

1. Taliyah
Taliyah is a very strong mid lane champion, especially in the Platinum and below skill level range. She has great mobility and can clear minion waves quickly. Taliyah’s abilities allow her to deal reliable damage from a distance and interrupt enemy champions. While she has oppressive strengths, high-skill players can match her. Nonetheless, she brings great value in team fights and can have a good team composition built around her.

In conclusion, there are several mid lane champions in League of Legends that excel in different aspects of the game. Some have high damage output, while others have great roaming potential and wave clear. The key is to find a champion that suits your playstyle and learn how to maximize their strengths. With the right knowledge and execution, any champion can be considered broken.