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Top Mid Lane Champions for Blind Pick in LoL

The midlane pick is crucial for champ selection because the game strategy often revolves around it. There are two main reasons for this: the midlaner can easily roam and assist other lanes, and they are effective in assassinating the enemy AD Carry. Preventing the enemy AD Carry from getting fed while helping your own AD Carry grow stronger increases your chances of winning. Therefore, teams must carefully consider their midlane champion choice. Here are five of the top midlane champion picks for Blind Pick:

5. Katarina, The Sinister Blade

Katarina is known for her ability to engage and damage multiple enemies at once. She has high mobility, thanks to her “E” ability, Shunpo, which allows her to jump to her blades, minions, enemy champions, and teammates. This makes her effective in team fights and ganking other lanes. However, she requires skill to succeed in 1v1 battles due to her squishiness. During team fights, it’s best to wait for teammates to engage first, then use her skills strategically to deal damage to multiple enemies.

4. Zed, The Master of Shadows

Zed is known for his ability to quickly burst down enemies and escape with minimal damage. His shadows provide opportunities for deceptive plays and outplays. To maximize Zed’s damage, it’s essential to hit enemies with both Zed and his shadow abilities. This can result in significant damage, especially when combined with critical strikes. Mastering Zed’s shadow mechanics allows players to juke opponents and create unique strategies.

3. Ahri, The Nine-Tailed Fox

Ahri is a strong pick for the mid-lane due to her mobility and burst magic damage. Her charm ability can set up enemies for a team kill by pulling them towards her. It’s crucial to avoid getting trapped by her charm when playing against Ahri. Her ultimate, Spirit Rush, provides repositioning options during team fights. Skillful positioning can ensure that her Orb of Deception hits enemies on the way back, maximizing damage output.

2. Kassadin, The Void Walker

Kassadin is an excellent choice for the mid-lane in Blind Pick due to his repeated jumping ability, damage output, and shield. Using Null Sphere allows him to shield himself, making him appear tanky to opponents. His ultimate, Riftwalk, enables him to jump to enemies and deal damage while also providing an escape option. Kassadin’s mobility and burst damage align well with the current meta, making him a popular choice among professional players.

1. Leblanc, The Deceiver

Leblanc can be a challenging opponent to deal with due to her ability to quickly engage, deal damage, and escape. She can use Ethereal Chains to immobilize enemies, Distortion to close in for damage, and Mimic to deceive opponents. Her passive, Mirror Image, provides an escape option when she is low on health. Skilled Leblanc players can create confusing and unpredictable scenarios for their opponents.

These are just a few of the top midlane champion picks for Blind Pick. There are many other viable options in League of Legends. However, in the current meta, Katarina, Zed, Ahri, Kassadin, and Leblanc are excellent choices for the mid-lane. Keep in mind that individual skill and preference also play a significant role in success with these champions. Good luck on the Rift!