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Top mid lane builds for League of Legends’ 2021 preseason

The recent preseason item rework in League of Legends may have left mid lane players unsure of what to build on their champions. The abundance of new effects, names, and icons can make it difficult to determine the best choices. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you navigate the new build paths and climb the ranked ladder in season 11.

Here are our top preseason mid lane builds:

AD Assassin

Runes: The Domination tree is still the go-to for assassins, but the secondary rune page offers more flexibility. You can choose Precision for Tenacity, use Presence of Mind to address mana issues, or opt for Inspiration if you want to start with a Corrupting Potion.

Items: AD assassins have benefited greatly from the itemization rework. The new items provide plenty of lethality and feel impactful overall. Rushing Duskblade as a Mythic Item will give you early strength and the ability to activate its effect at any time. Other recommended items include Mercury’s Treads for crowd control, Youmuu’s Ghostblade for mobility, Edge of Night for defense, Serylda’s Grudge for armor penetration, and Guardian Angel for a second life.

AP Assassin

Runes: Domination is still the primary tree for AP assassins, often accompanied by Inspiration for Time Warp Tonic to sustain in the laning phase with Corrupting Potion. Precision or Sorcery can be alternative options for more aggressive gameplay.

Items: While some champions lost Hextech Gunblade, the new items offer plenty of viable options. Key items for AP assassins include Sorcerer’s Shoes for increased damage, Night Harvester for burst damage and movement speed, Lich Bane for on-hit damage, Zhonya’s Hourglass for defense, Rabadon’s Deathcap for amplified damage, and Void Staff for magic resist penetration.

Control Mage

Runes: Sorcery is still the core tree for control mages, with Arcane Comet providing additional damage. Transcendence now offers earlier ability haste and cooldown resets, making it a valuable choice. Inspiration or Domination can be selected as the secondary tree for additional runes.

Items: Control mages have not seen significant buffs with the rework, and the lack of mana sustain in core items has made it challenging for them to spam abilities. However, recommended items include Sorcerer’s Shoes for increased damage, Luden’s Tempest for burst damage and mana sustain, Chemtech Purifier for anti-healing, Zhonya’s Hourglass for defense, Rabadon’s Deathcap for increased damage, and Void Staff for magic resist penetration. Cosmic Drive can also be considered for mobility.


Runes: Most bruisers still prioritize the Precision tree with Resolve secondary. The choice between Press the Attack and Conqueror will depend on matchups and composition.

Items: The addition of Mythic items has made bruisers strong in all areas. Recommended items include Mercury’s Treads or Plated Greaves for boots, Goredrinker for healing and offensive stats, Ravenous Hydra for ability haste and sustain, Black Cleaver for missing health damage, Death’s Dance for overall power, and Guardian Angel for a second life.

League of Legends, preseason, mid lane, builds, item rework, AD assassin, AP assassin, control mage, bruiser, runes, items