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Top LEC Player Plans to Focus on Personal Time Starting 2023

League of Legends Pro Alphari Takes Break from LEC to Reflect on Career

Renowned European League of Legends player, Barney “Alphari” Morris, will be stepping away from the LEC at the start of the new year after six consecutive years of competition. Instead of searching for a new team, Alphari has decided to take time off to reflect on his career and rediscover his love for playing the game.

Alphari made the announcement on Twitter, revealing his plans to role swap to mid lane and move to Brazil. (Watch the video here: [YouTube video URL])

According to Alphari, his primary motivation for competing in League of Legends has shifted from a genuine love for the game to a strong desire for winning splits. However, he admits that despite his belief in putting in the necessary time and effort, his passion and joy for the game have diminished.

As a result, Alphari experienced feelings of burnout, particularly after finishing regular-season splits in the middle of the pack. Despite joining Team Vitality’s hyped superteam, which included star players like Caps and Carzzy, the team failed to meet expectations and ended up as a mid-tier squad in both the spring and summer splits.

In addition to Alphari, other notable players like Jankos and Upset will also not be playing in the LEC next season due to buyout problems and contract issues.

Free Agency Period Begins Soon

The global free agency period is set to begin on Monday, Nov. 21.

League of Legends, Alphari, LEC, Team Vitality, competitive gaming, esports