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Top laner of DetonatioN FocusMe accuses coach of verbal abuse, escapes from LoL team house

DetonatioN FocusMe Under Scrutiny After Player Flees Team House

DetonatioN FocusMe, a prominent team in the Japanese League of Legends scene, is facing scrutiny after one of their young players recently ran away from the team house. Haruki “tol2” Shibata, the team’s starting top laner, took to social media to reveal that he felt his life was in danger and had to escape from the team house due to alleged threats from head coach Kazuta “Kazu” Suzuki.

According to tol2, he has been subjected to verbal abuse from Kazu and the team’s former mid laner-turned-coach Kyohei “Ceros” Yoshida since the 2023 Spring Split. He also expressed uncertainty about the response he will receive when he returns to the gaming house.

Tol2 further stated that he reported the abuse to upper management but instead received a fine from DFM’s CEO Nobuyuki Umezaki, along with a warning that he would be removed from the lineup if the information went public.

The player mentioned experiencing a breakdown during the 2023 Mid-Season Invitational in London, where DFM faced an early exit from the tournament. He credited substitute marksman Ryo “Milan” Nakamoto as the only person who helped calm him down. Tol2 highlighted the extreme circumstances he has faced, which have caused significant stress on his mental health, despite DFM’s undefeated record in the 2023 LJL Summer Split.

As of now, there has been no official statement from DFM, and tol2 has not provided any updates since his last post in the morning. has reached out to DFM for comment.

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