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Top lane champions receive significant buffs in Patch 9.8, promoting aggressive play

The Tank Meta: Patch 9.7 and Patch 9.8 Changes

When Patch 9.7 was released for League, many players were concerned about the rise of tanks in the meta. While champions like Rumble received a nice ultimate buff, priority was also given to tanks like Dr. Mundo and Cho’Gath. This posed a potential problem as Cho’Gath was already a strong pick in professional play, and nobody wanted to see more of the old dinosaur on the Rift.

In an effort to balance things out, Riot introduced a series of buffs for more aggressive top laners in Patch 9.8. This was a much-needed change as champions like Jax, Riven, and Urgot had dominated the meta for most of the year. Fans of champions such as Fiora, Renekton, and Singed will certainly be pleased with this update.

Renekton and Fiora: Stat Buffs and Strategic Changes

The buffs to Renekton are straightforward: he will receive more armor and attack speed growth. However, the most significant buff is to his Q ability. His empowered Q will now heal for 33 percent more at rank one, and the healing will increase even further at max rank. This is a massive buff to one of his primary trading tools, particularly in the late game. Additionally, the healing debuff to items like Bramble Vests and Thornmail has been increased to three seconds, similar to Executioner’s Calling.

Fiora, on the other hand, will see a more strategic buff. The stun duration of her W, Riposte, will be slightly longer when successfully landed, and it will also deal more damage. Her E ability will also have lower mana costs at higher ranks, although this will only become significant during the later stages of the laning phase.

Nautilus, Singed, and Camille: Minor Adjustments

Nautilus will receive a small buff to the root duration of his passive at early ranks. However, the damage buff to his Q ability is relatively inconsequential. Singed, on the other hand, will see buffs to his healing, W root duration, and E mana cost. These changes aim to address his HP and mana issues resulting from the dark seal nerfs in the previous patch.

As for Camille, despite her win rate being relatively okay in the top lane, fewer players are choosing her due to her transition to a jungler. Although Riot nerfed jungle Camille, her attack speed has been boosted in the hopes of encouraging more players to pick her in the top lane.

Overall, Patch 9.8 has attempted to balance out the tank meta by providing much-needed buffs to aggressive top laners. Players can look forward to a more diverse champion pool and new strategies in the top lane meta.

League, Patch 9.8, tank meta, top laners, buffs, Renekton, Fiora, Nautilus, Singed, Camille