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Top Kennen Counters in League of Legends

Kennen Counters: Who Can Shut Down the Heart of the Tempest in League of Legends?

Kennen has once again become immensely popular in the top lane of League of Legends, both in professional play and in solo queue. It’s no surprise, considering the arsenal of tools he has at his disposal. With fast wave clear, poke and burst damage, and a game-changing ultimate, Kennen is a formidable champion in all stages of the game.

However, this doesn’t mean that Kennen is unbeatable. There are several champions that can counter him, either by bullying him out of the lane early or by outscaling him as the match progresses.

Renekton: The Ultimate Lane Bully

When it comes to lane bullies, Renekton is hard to beat. With his short cooldowns, high damage, and sustain early on, he is a top pick for defeating enemy top laners in one-vs-one duels. Renekton’s Slice and Dice ability helps him close gaps and escape, making it difficult for Kennen to gain an advantage. Renekton currently boasts a 65.22 percent win rate against Kennen in matchups.

Sylas: Stealing Kennen’s Ultimate

Sylas can easily handle Kennen in lane with his ability to steal the enemy’s ultimate. While the first 15 minutes of the game may be focused on farming, Sylas can turn the tides with the help of an aggressive jungler. Late-game teamfights are where Sylas shines, especially when he steals Kennen’s ultimate. Sylas currently holds a 65 percent win rate against Kennen.

Akshan: Safety and Range

Akshan is a safe pick against Kennen due to his range and escape tools. By staying behind minions and maintaining good vision control, Akshan can avoid Kennen’s harass and turn the tables in an all-in. Akshan currently has a 60.71 percent win rate against Kennen.

Jayce: Burst Potential

Jayce is another champion with high burst potential. By avoiding Kennen’s Q shurikens early on and controlling the wave properly, Jayce has a good chance of winning solo fights. It’s important to be cautious after level six, as Kennen can go all-in. In the later stages of the game, Jayce should focus on poking down the enemy team, especially Kennen. Jayce currently has a 60.34 percent win rate against Kennen.

Ornn: Survivability and Late-Game Impact

In the matchup against Kennen, Ornn proves to be an extremely useful champion in League of Legends. With high survivability, one-vs-one potential, and late-game influence, Ornn can keep up with Kennen throughout the game. However, falling behind early can make it difficult for Ornn to come back. Ornn currently has a 59.46 percent win rate against Kennen.

These champions offer effective counters to Kennen in the top lane. By choosing the right champion and playing strategically, you can shut down the Heart of the Tempest and secure victory.

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