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Top Karma build in League of Legends

The recent changes to durability in League of Legends Patch 12.10 have led to a rise in enchanters like Rakan and Karma in the bot lane. These champions can effectively utilize Shurelya’s Battlesong to give their allies an extra push. Karma, in particular, has been a staple pick in both solo queue and professional play due to her low cooldowns and supportive abilities.

Since the introduction of Mythic items in the preseason of the 2021 season, Karma’s build path has mostly remained the same. She excels at poking enemies with high damage and providing shields and speed boosts to her allies. However, she faces competition from other supports like Janna, who have more crowd control in their kits.

**Best Runes for Karma in League**
– Arcane Comet: Karma’s empowered Q can deal significant damage to enemy champions. Taking Arcane Comet ensures that opponents hit by her Q will either run away or suffer massive damage.
– Manaflow Band: Karma struggles with mana costs due to her ability spamming. Taking Manaflow Band helps her sustain her mana pool and use her abilities more frequently.
– Transcendence: This rune lowers Karma’s cooldowns, especially for her E ability, which provides shields and speed boosts to allies.
– Scorch: Every 10 seconds, Scorch burns enemies hit by Karma’s abilities, adding extra damage to her empowered Q.

– Biscuit Delivery: This rune pairs well with Manaflow Band to restore Karma’s mana and provide healing. It acts as an additional potion and appears in players’ inventories every two minutes.
– Cosmic Insight: This rune reduces the cooldown of Shurelya’s Battlesong and provides haste to summoner spells.

**Best Starting Items for Karma in League**
– Spellthief’s Edge: Karma’s poke damage makes Spellthief’s Edge the ideal starting item for her. It rewards her with gold each time she attacks an enemy champion and provides extra wards after accumulating 500 gold.
– Health Potions: Karma has low base health, making her susceptible to damage. Health potions help her sustain and work well with the biscuits received every two minutes.
– Stealth Ward: Karma’s ability to ward in multiple places, combined with her speed boost from her E, makes her a great early-game warder. Players should be cautious when roaming without vision of the enemy jungler or mid laner.

**Best Core Items for Karma in League**
– Shurelya’s Battlesong: This Mythic item is essential for Karma. Its active effect provides bonus movement speed to all allies, and its passive effect grants Karma and her shielded ally a substantial movement speed buff. It synergizes well with her E ability and allows her team to move swiftly across the map.
– Chemtech Putrifier: Karma benefits from an Oblivion Orb and Chemtech Putrifier to apply grievous wounds to enemies and reduce their healing. It provides additional stats at a low gold cost.
– Redemption: Since Karma lacks healing abilities, building Redemption helps mitigate this issue. It also provides significant mana regeneration for ability spamming.

**Best Late-Game Items for Karma in League**
– Ardent Censer: Ardent Censer is a classic support item that pairs well with Karma. It provides buffs to Karma’s allies who thrive with attack speed every time she shields them.
– Staff of Flowing Water: This item synergizes with Ardent Censer, providing buffs to ability power and ability haste for Karma and her shielded allies. It’s particularly effective when using her empowered E.
– Vigilant Wardstone: While often overlooked, Vigilant Wardstone becomes crucial for Karma after reaching level 13. It allows her to place four wards and two control wards simultaneously, aiding in objective control. Additionally, it provides significant ability haste and empowers Karma’s existing stat bonuses.

These are the best choices for Karma’s runes, starting items, core items, and late-game items in League of Legends. Make sure to build and play Karma strategically to maximize her impact in the game.

League of Legends, Karma, enchanter, bot lane, Shurelya’s Battlesong, Mythic items, runes, starting items, core items, late-game items.