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Top junglers to watch at Worlds 2022

The role of junglers in League of Legends has become essential for team success. In addition to their mechanical skill, junglers must possess game knowledge and sense to lead their team to victory.

Elite junglers can have a significant impact on any team through ganks, objective control, and teamfighting ability. As the World Championship approaches, it’s crucial to identify the best junglers in the world and what sets them apart.

Honorable Mentions

Kim “Malrang” Geun-seong

Malrang is considered the best European jungler this year, carrying Rogue in the LEC finals with his early-game presence. Despite being a new addition to the team, Malrang has quickly become a crucial player in Rogue’s success. He prioritizes his teammates over himself and sacrifices his own experience and gold for the team’s benefit.

Malrang has the highest Kill Participation (KP) and First Blood (FB) percentages among all junglers in the LEC Summer Playoffs.

Mun “Oner” Hyeon-jun

Oner has shown consistent improvement since joining T1’s main roster. He focuses on making proactive plays in the early game and has the highest FB participation among LCK junglers.

Oner is not solely a supportive player and excels in CS per minute and damage output.

Top 5 best junglers at World 2022

5) Zhao “Jiejie” Li-Jie

Jiejie didn’t have a remarkable regular split but performed exceptionally well in the LPL playoffs. He has the highest KDA and KP percent in both playoffs and regional finals, earning EDG a spot in the Worlds group stage. Jiejie’s playstyle is more conservative, similar to Korean teams.

4) Kim “Canyon” Geon-bu

Despite DWG KIA’s disappointing season, Canyon stands out as one of the best junglers. He has faced challenges with his team’s weak side lanes but has shown adaptability and flexibility, playing a wide range of champions. Canyon’s skill level remains top-tier.

3) Gao “Tian” Tian-Liang

Tian has returned to his peak form and is a crucial player on the Top Esports roster. Despite not having the best statistics, Tian’s strength lies in his playmaking ability and clutch plays. He excels with champions like Hecarim and Lee Sin.

2) Han “Peanut” Wang-ho

Peanut has proven his worth on Nongshim RedForce, displaying smart pathings and willingness to sacrifice for his teammates. He has a wide champion pool and excels at playing bruisers. With Gen.G’s dominant performance in the summer split, Peanut stands as one of the top junglers.

1) Seo “Kanavi” Jin-hyeok

Kanavi, known for his import talent in the LPL, has consistently performed at a high level. He stands out with his ability to carry in a bot-centric meta. Kanavi is aggressive and uses resources to extend his team’s lead. He has led the damage charts among all junglers in playoffs and will be a key player for JDG at Worlds 2022.