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Top Junglers for Blind Pick in League of Legends

If you enjoy surprising your opponents in a game, then the role of Jungler is perfect for you. Junglers excel at launching surprise attacks, patiently waiting in the shadows and striking at the right moment. They use the fog of war to their advantage by hiding and ambushing enemies. The qualities to look for in a jungler are the ability to hide, deal burst damage, immobilize enemies, and escape from danger if needed. Based on these qualities, here are the top 5 blind picks for junglers:

5. Shaco, The Demon Jester

Shaco is an ideal jungler for several reasons. His passive allows him to deal extra damage when striking enemies from behind. His “Q” ability, Deceive, makes him briefly invisible and allows him to teleport to a target location. Combined with the fog of war and hiding spots in the jungle, Shaco excels at surprising enemies. Jack in the Box and Two-Shiv Poison are his other abilities that make him a deadly foe in the jungle. His ultimate creates a mirror image of himself that can attack enemies. All these abilities make Shaco an excellent choice for junglers.

4. Warwick, The Uncaged Wrath of Zaun

Warwick is a durable champion, making him excellent in the jungle. His ability, Eternal Hunger, allows him to rapidly heal when low on health. Blood Hunt lets him sense and track low-health enemies from a distance. Primal Howl and his passive help him sustain in teamfights. His ultimate, Infinite Duress, and Jaws of the Beast bring the element of surprise to the jungle. His Blood Hunt ability grants him bonus movement and attack speed against low-health enemies, making him a formidable jungler.

3. Amumu, The Sad Mummy

Amumu is a tanky jungler with great crowd control abilities. He can latch onto enemies from a distance and stun them. His ultimate, Curse of the Sad Mummy, deals area-of-effect damage. With Despair, enemies around Amumu lose a percentage of their maximum health each second. These abilities allow Amumu to be a dominant force in the jungle. He can engage enemies from a distance and stun them, giving his team an advantage in teamfights. Amumu is a great choice for blind pick junglers.

2. Rammus, The Armordillo

Rammus is a powerful jungler with great chasing potential. His “Q” ability, Powerball, allows him to rapidly accelerate towards enemies. His ultimate, Roaring Slam, can launch enemies into the air. Defensive Ball Curl and Frenzying Taunt increase his defense and provoke enemies. When playing as Rammus, it’s important to gank enemies near your turret and attack from behind with Powerball and Roaring Slam. Rammus lacks the ability to pull enemies towards him, so the direction of his attacks is crucial. He is a strong blind pick jungler choice.

1. Nocturne, The Eternal Nightmare

Nocturne is a powerful jungler, thanks to his ultimate ability, Paranoia. It drastically reduces the vision of all enemy champions, isolating them from their allies. Nocturne can then launch himself towards a nearby enemy champion, making him unpredictable. His other abilities, such as Shroud of Darkness and Unspeakable Horror, help him sustain and fear enemies. Duskbringer, combined with his ultimate, allows Nocturne to move through units. Nocturne’s kit is designed for sustained combat and surprise attacks, making him one of the best blind pick choices for junglers.

The jungle role in League of Legends offers a thrilling experience, and these champions excel in it. While mages and assassins are sometimes used as junglers, Shaco, Warwick, Amumu, Rammus, and Nocturne are among the best choices. Understanding the demands of the role and the need for surprise, engagement, and tanking is crucial when selecting a champion. These top 5 blind pick junglers possess these qualities and can give you an edge in the game.