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Top Junglers for Blind Pick in League of Legends

If you enjoy surprise tactics in games, then the Jungler role is perfect for you. Junglers excel at launching surprise attacks, waiting for the right moment to strike their enemies. They use the fog of war to their advantage by hiding in the shadows and attacking at the most opportune time.

The key qualities to look for in a jungler are the ability to hide temporarily, execute sudden burst damage, immobilize enemies for a few seconds, and ideally have an escape mechanism for dangerous situations.

Taking these qualities into account, here is a list of the top 5 blind picks for junglers:

5. Shaco, The Demon Jester


Shaco is an ideal choice for a jungler due to several reasons. His passive allows him to deal extra damage when striking enemies from behind. His ability “Q,” Deceive, allows him to become invisible and teleport to a target location. These abilities, combined with his Jack in the Box and Two-Shiv Poison, make him a formidable opponent in the jungle.

4. Warwick, The Uncaged Wrath of Zaun


Warwick is a robust champion in League of Legends, which benefits him greatly in the jungle. His ability, Eternal Hunger, allows him to rapidly heal himself when low on health. Blood Hunt enables him to sense low-health enemies from a distance. Combined with Primal Howl and his ultimate, Infinite Duress, Warwick becomes a force to be reckoned with in teamfights.

3. Amumu, The Sad Mummy


Amumu is a tanky jungler and excels at engaging multiple enemies simultaneously. His ultimate, Curse of the Sad Mummy, deals area of effect damage, and his ability Despair causes enemies surrounding him to lose a percentage of their maximum health over time. Amumu’s Bandage Toss and passive make him a dominant force in the jungle, capable of stunning enemies and turning teamfights in his team’s favor.

2. Rammus, The Armordillo


Rammus is a formidable jungler due to his ability to rapidly accelerate towards enemies with Powerball. His ultimate, Roaring Slam, can launch enemies into the air when combined with Powerball. Defensive Ball Curl and Frenzying Taunt increase his defense and force enemies to attack him. Playing Rammus requires strategic attacks from the right direction, as he cannot pull enemies towards him or himself towards enemies.

1. Nocturne, The Eternal Nightmare


Nocturne’s ultimate, Paranoia, significantly reduces the vision of all enemy champions, isolating them from their teammates. This ability allows Nocturne to launch himself toward a nearby enemy champion. His other abilities, Shroud of Darkness, Unspeakable Horror, and Duskbringer, further enhance his sustain and surprise attack capabilities.

Overall, these champions possess the necessary qualities for a successful blind pick jungler. They excel at surprise attacks, engaging multiple enemies, and tanking enemy attacks. When choosing a champion for the jungler role, it’s essential to consider the demands of the role.