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Top Ivern build for League of Legends season 10

The Best Build for Ivern in League of Legends Season 10

Ivern is a unique utility jungler in League of Legends. He excels at enhancing the power of his laners and relies on other champions to carry the game. If you want to play Ivern, it’s important to understand that he doesn’t have much damage built into his kit. Instead, he fits perfectly into the meta where you have at least one carry that you can camp and snowball to secure victory.



Summon Aery: This is the best keystone for any utility-oriented jungler. It can be easily activated in your kit, dealing extra damage during ganks or providing effective health to your teammate. Summon Aery has a significant impact throughout the game.

Manaflow Band: As Ivern, you’ll be using a lot of abilities, so this rune is great for solving mana issues. The extra 250 mana helps a lot and gives you the resources to throw extra shields in teamfights to support your allies.

Transcendence: Ivern relies on cooldown reduction to spam shields and bushes. This rune provides 10% cooldown reduction and also converts extra cooldown reduction into ability power, allowing you to purchase any items without worrying about over-capping cooldown reduction. As the core items already include cooldown reduction, you’ll also gain bonus ability power from this rune.

Gathering Storm: Gathering Storm offers scaling ability power, making your shields stronger as the game progresses. Since Ivern isn’t the best scaling jungler, this rune compensates for that weakness.


Hextech Flashtraption: This rune allows you to gank from unexpected angles by using the channeled Flash. It opens up opportunities for clever ganks, especially in the bottom lane, where you can move to the next bush without being detected.

Cosmic Insight: Cosmic Insight allows you to use your abilities and summoner spells more frequently. It synergizes well with Transcendence, as going above the 45% limit of cooldown reduction grants you extra ability power.

Bonuses: +10% cooldown reduction, +6 armor, +15-90 health

Starting Items

Hunter’s Talisman: This item is essential for starting in the jungle. It helps you clear camps without losing too much health, provides healing and damaging effects, and regenerates your mana while you’re in the jungle. Although you won’t upgrade it later on, it’s necessary to have it at the beginning.

Refillable Potion: Since you’ll take damage from monsters while clearing your jungle, having a Refillable Potion allows you to regain 250 health over 24 seconds. It’s a small investment for a great value.

Core Items

Mobility Boots: These boots are one of the best options for a utility jungler. They allow you to quickly move to wherever your team needs you, covering large distances in a short period of time. This is especially useful in the roam-heavy meta, where you can assist your allies when they require your help.

Athene’s Unholy Grail: This utility-oriented item enhances your shield by adding a small healing effect for your ally. It’s easy to stack with the damage from your kit, making every shield more valuable. The item is affordable and provides great stats.

Mejai’s Soulstealer: As Ivern, you’ll often stay in the backline. With Mejai’s Soulstealer, you can gain a significant amount of ability power for only 1,400 gold. The initial component item, Dark Seal, is only 350 gold and can be purchased after your first back. If you have a good early game and accumulate stacks, you can snowball and make your carries even stronger as the game progresses.

Oracle Lens: After providing early vision using the yellow trinket, swap to an Oracle Lens to deny vision from the enemy. This can be used to set up ganks or to clear vision around important objectives like dragon or Baron. Additionally, you can create a death bush by clearing all vision around you, catching out unsuspecting opponents.

Control Ward: Always buy two Control Wards when possible. While the Oracle Lens has a cooldown and can be countered by the enemy team, Control Wards remain in place and deny vision in specific areas. As a jungler, it’s important to have one on the map at all times and one in your inventory for backup, especially when planning to do objectives.

Late-Game Items

Ardent Censer: This affordable item synergizes well with Athene’s Unholy Grail, but it requires an auto-attack oriented champion to benefit from its effects. If you have such a carry on your team, rush Ardent Censer after Athene’s to help them take control of the game.

Locket of the Iron Solari: Considered the best utility-oriented item, Locket of the Iron Solari scales with bonus health, making it more valuable as the game progresses. While it only provides armor and magic resist, its effect can save your team during teamfights by denying heavy AoE damage from the enemy team. Rush this item against compositions that rely on AoE damage.

Redemption: Redemption is the second-best utility-oriented item in the game after Locket of the Iron Solari. It grants health and mana regeneration, and its AoE effect can heal allies or finish off low-health enemies. It significantly helps your team in teamfights.

Situational Items

Mercury’s Treads: If you’re facing a lot of crowd control and ability power-oriented compositions, Mercury’s Treads can make your early game easier. It’s especially effective against mages in the bottom lane.

Ninja Tabi: This item is excellent against heavy AD-oriented compositions that rely on auto attacks. It reduces auto-attack damage while providing armor to mitigate physical damage.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity: These boots are a great alternative to Mobility Boots. If you’re focusing on camping one or two lanes with your main carry, the extra cooldown reduction from Ionian Boots of Lucidity is more valuable.

Swiftness Boots: Swiftness Boots are a reliable alternative to Mobility Boots if the enemy team has a lot of slow effects. They provide a significant amount of movement speed, especially during combat, though the out-of-combat movement speed is lower than that of Mobility Boots.

Mikael’s Crucible: If the enemy team has a lot of crowd control, Mikael’s Crucible is a better investment compared to other utility items. It allows you to cleanse your teammate from crowd control, enabling them to continue fighting.

Shurelya’s Reverie: This affordable utility item improves your team’s mobility. It’s particularly useful against compositions that rely on poke or chasing you down. The item grants a movement speed boost for you and nearby allies, allowing for easy engagement or disengagement in teamfights.

Ivern, League of Legends, Season 10, Build, Runes, Starting Items, Core Items, Late-Game Items, Situational Items