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Top Esports extend their winning streak in LPL as they defeat BLG

Top Esports Dominates Bilibili Gaming in LPL Summer Split

Top Esports (TES) continued its dominant performance by defeating Bilibili Gaming (BLG) in two quick games, securing their top spot in the LPL Summer Split standings.

After their recent win at the Mid-Season Cup, TES came into the Summer Split with great momentum and showcased their exceptional skills.

All of TES’ players performed exceptionally well, adopting a similar playstyle to JDG’s successful strategy in the previous split, which led to their victory in the LPL Spring Split.

TES Outplays BLG in the First Game

In the first game, TES took an early lead by securing tower plates and outperforming BLG in terms of CS mechanics. By 15 minutes, TES had a 2,000 gold lead.

TES capitalized on this lead by grouping up, invading BLG’s territory, and strategically placing wards. BLG attempted to halt TES’ progress, but TES’ superior mechanical skills proved too much to handle.

After a successful Baron play, TES pushed their minion waves and convincingly ended the game.

BLG’s Attempt to Bounce Back

The second game saw BLG adopting a more aggressive playstyle after their passive approach failed in the first game. However, TES was well-prepared for BLG’s moves and countered every play.

By securing three consecutive dragons, TES had their sights set on the Baron while the last dragon spawned.

BLG managed to steal the Baron in a heroic play, but at the cost of losing most of their players. This negative Baron play put them at a considerable disadvantage.

TES regrouped and systematically pushed their side lanes into BLG’s base. Eventually, they engaged in a teamfight in the mid lane and completely overwhelmed BLG, securing their second win of the series.

Promising Future for TES

TES has been a strong contender in the region for the past few years, consistently performing well in both the regular season and playoffs. Their recent victory at the Mid-Season Cup may finally pave the way for an LPL title.

In their upcoming match against Edward Gaming, a weaker team, TES is expected to dominate with a 2-0 sweep. This win will solidify their position at the top of the LPL Summer Split standings.

Don’t miss the match on Friday, June 26 at 6am CT. Tune in to the official Riot Games LPL channel to witness TES’ journey.

Top Esports, Bilibili Gaming, LPL Summer Split, victory, dominance, Mid-Season Cup, playstyle, strategy, mechanical skills, Baron play, dragon control, teamfight, playoffs, Edward Gaming, Riot Games LPL channel