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Top Counters for Neeko in League of Legends’

Neeko is a strong mid lane champion in League of Legends. She can easily dominate the lane and support her team if opponents don’t know how to handle her.

While Neeko’s abilities are straightforward, it’s essential to understand what they do to effectively play against her. She has high ability power ratios and crowd control, making her a formidable enemy if left unchecked.

Best Counter Picks for Neeko in the Mid Lane

If you want to prevent Neeko from snowballing in the mid lane, consider picking these champions:


Anivia is an excellent choice against Neeko because you can disrupt her abilities with well-timed Flash Frost (Q). Trade with her using Frostbite (E) for significant damage. An aggressive rune setup can set Neeko back or make her an easy target. Use Crystallize (W) to set up kills for your jungler.

As the game progresses, use your lead to secure objectives. Be cautious of Neeko’s positioning in teamfights and try to prevent her from landing a game-changing ultimate.


Kassadin is a strong counterpick due to his ability to survive the laning phase easily. Trade with Neeko using Null Sphere (Q) and Nether Blade (W) to deal significant damage. Use Rift Walk (R) to root Neeko and secure kills during the mid-game.

Kassadin is a great split pusher, so take advantage of this to pressure the map and force Neeko to stick with her team. Be cautious of her farming to avoid giving her a chance to one-shot your team in teamfights.


Zed is a skill-based matchup against Neeko. Utilize Living Shadow (W) and Ignite to poke Neeko and prepare for an all-in. Punish her when her abilities are on cooldown. Limit her farm to prevent her from becoming a threat in teamfights.

Item Recommendations

Mercury’s Treads:

Reduce Neeko’s damage and CC duration with these boots. They’re cheap and effective against teams with AP-focused champions or heavy crowd control.

Sorcerer’s Shoes:

Deal additional damage to Neeko by buying magic penetration boots. They also provide bonus movement speed to dodge her abilities.

Quicksilver Sash:

If you want to avoid crowd control, get Quicksilver Sash for its instant cleanse effect. Use it to escape risky situations.

Verdant Barrier:

Consider rushing this item if the enemy team has multiple AP threats. It will significantly reduce Neeko’s damage during the laning phase.

Zhonya’s Hourglass:

Zhonya’s Hourglass can be useful against Neeko if she has a team with a lot of physical damage. The stasis effect allows you to avoid her combos and stay alive.

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