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Top Counters for Miss Fortune in League of Legends

Since her debut on the Summoner’s Rift in 2010, Miss Fortune has become a popular champion for many League of Legends players worldwide. With her kit packed with high damage capabilities, she can quickly eliminate unsuspecting enemy teams with ease.

If you find yourself facing Miss Fortune’s barrels, don’t worry. There are a few champions who can easily dodge and avoid her attacks. From outranging her abilities to staying mobile during teamfights, these picks will help you win against the Queen of Bilgewater.

Here are the top Miss Fortune counters in League:

1. Caitlyn:
Caitlyn has a significant range advantage over Miss Fortune, allowing her to stay aggressive during the game. When Miss Fortune uses her Make It Rain or Double Up abilities, Caitlyn can capitalize on the opportunity to deal damage since those abilities are crucial for Miss Fortune’s defense and damage output.

2. Draven:
Draven always has the upper hand in a duel against Miss Fortune. His empowered axes provide immense damage, and he can even disrupt Miss Fortune’s ultimate ability with his Stand Aside. With his Blood Rush ability, Draven can quickly close the distance when Miss Fortune’s abilities are on cooldown.

3. Samira:
Samira’s mobility makes it difficult to pin her down, as she can dash around the battlefield with Wild Rush and negate a significant portion of Miss Fortune’s damage. Her Blade Whirl can even nullify the damage from Miss Fortune’s auto-attacks, empowered Q, and Bullet Time ultimate. Samira’s high kill potential, coupled with her support, allows them to burst down Miss Fortune after she uses her skills.

4. Nilah:
Similar to Samira, Nilah’s slipperiness enables players to evade Miss Fortune’s initial burst of damage. Nilah can dash away with Slipstream or use Jubilant Veil to dodge Make It Rain. With her ultimate ability, Apotheosis, she can displace Miss Fortune when she channels Bullet Time.

5. Vayne:
Like Draven, Vayne excels in 2v2 duels against Miss Fortune and is a great pick for players looking to outplay their opponents. Vayne’s knockback ability can disrupt and cancel Miss Fortune’s Bullet Time, making her a strong counter-pick. Additionally, Vayne can go invisible during her ultimate ability, making it even harder to track her movements in teamfights.

By choosing these champions, you can gain an advantage over Miss Fortune and claim victory on the Rift.

Miss Fortune counters, League of Legends, Caitlyn, Draven, Samira, Nilah, Vayne.