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Top Counter Picks for Fiora in League of Legends

Fiora’s Counters: Champions that Can Shut Her Down in the Top Lane

Fiora, a popular top lane champion in League of Legends, has gained attention for her ability to close gaps quickly and deal impressive damage. However, she is not without weaknesses. In this article, we will explore three strong counter picks that can give players an advantage when facing Fiora.

Kennen: Countering Fiora’s Advances

Kennen, although often overlooked by players, has the tools to shut down Fiora in the top lane. His ranged attacks and lightning-fast mobility make him a formidable opponent. In order to win the matchup against Fiora, Kennen should focus on bullying her out of farm during the early game. By hindering her ability to purchase items, Kennen can secure easy kills and give his team an advantage in team fights.

Kennen’s passive ability, Mark of The Storm, allows him to stun Fiora after hitting her with three abilities. This is easily achievable due to the short cooldowns of his abilities. By timing his Thundering Shuriken correctly and combining it with Electrical Surge, Kennen can stop Fiora in her tracks and deal bonus damage. Additionally, his Lightning Rush ability allows for safe escapes or quick initiation against Fiora.

Kennen’s ultimate ability, Slicing Maelstrom, can turn the tide of a battle and significantly damage Fiora. By utilizing his range and abilities effectively, players can easily dominate Fiora in the laning phase and secure victory in the late game.

Pantheon: Minimizing Fiora’s Attacks

Pantheon is a strong choice against Fiora due to his impressive dueling abilities. To succeed against Fiora, Pantheon should focus on taking her out early in the game. Fiora’s Riposte ability is her most dangerous tool in this matchup, allowing her to deflect incoming damage and gain the upper hand. Pantheon should anticipate Riposte and use Shield Vault to stun Fiora, enabling him to deal damage and switch the matchup in his favor.

Comet Spear is Pantheon’s key ability to poke Fiora without putting himself in danger. By baiting out Riposte and lowering Fiora’s health, Pantheon can close the distance and initiate combat. Once Riposte is down, Pantheon should use Shield Vault and Aegis Assault to deal damage and stun Fiora. If Fiora tries to escape, Pantheon’s ultimate ability, Grand Starfall, can chase her down and secure kills.

By preventing Fiora from getting ahead early in the game and utilizing his abilities effectively, Pantheon can shut down Fiora’s attacks and secure victory in the top lane.

Ryze: Ranged Advantage Against Fiora

Ryze has an advantage against Fiora due to his ranged abilities. In the early laning phase, Ryze should focus on playing safe and landing poke damage. Once Fiora uses Bladework to increase her movement speed, Ryze should debuff her with Spell Flux and follow up with Overload to deal even more damage.

If Fiora gets too close, Rune Prison can trap her and create distance. Spell Flux can be used to set up offense and defense options, while Ryze’s ultimate ability, Realm Warp, provides extra mobility for seeking takedowns or escaping dangerous situations.

By keeping at a distance, shutting down Fiora’s advances, and taking advantage of her vulnerabilities, Ryze can dominate Fiora in the top lane.

Fiora, League of Legends, top lane, counter picks, Kennen, Pantheon, Ryze