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Top Competitive ADCs of 2021

The Importance of Marksmen in the Current Meta

In the current patch (5.2), marksman continue to play a crucial role in the late game due to their consistent damage output. However, in the current meta, raw late game DPS is not the only important factor for ADC’s. The marksmen that excel in the current meta are those with high versatility. They are able to quickly take objectives, excel in laning and skirmishes, and provide a significant impact in teamfights.

Kalista: The Strongest Marksman

The newest AD carry, Kalista, is considered one of the strongest marksmen currently. Her rend ability allows her to have incredible objective control, consistently doing more damage than a jungler’s smite. Her passive gives her exceptional mobility and kiting ability, making it difficult for opponents to land skillshots on her. Additionally, her ultimate provides utility and a guaranteed initiation for any team. Overall, Kalista’s kit is perfect for any team composition.

Caitlyn: The Versatile ADC

Caitlyn, an old staple ADC, is known for her versatility. Her long auto attack range and escape abilities make her a safe pick. She has a stable power curve, excelling in the early lane phase, midgame, and late game. She is able to perform well in any team composition.

Sivir: The “Got to Go Fast” Marksman

Sivir excels in the current meta due to her ability to push lanes rapidly with her Q and W abilities. Her ultimate, On The Hunt, provides versatility as both an offensive and defensive ability. She also has a spellshield to block one ability, making her safer and providing infinite mana. Sivir is a powerful choice for any team looking to win through teamfights.

Graves: A Recent Revival

Graves has recently experienced a revival because of his domination in meta lanes and skirmishes. He is a safe ADC with a strong escape ability and the biggest power spike in the midgame. His weakness lies in his short auto attack range and poor scaling.

Corki: The Midgame Terror

Corki, like Graves, is a midgame terror. His trinity force power spike allows him to take down objectives quickly. He has pushing abilities, long-range poke, and a mixture of AP, AD, and true damage. However, his short auto attack range makes him struggle in the later stages of the game.

Niche Pick: Twitch

Twitch is a niche pick for teamfight-oriented teams. He can output more damage than any other ADC in mid to late game teamfights. While lacking escapes, Twitch can be a solid pick for winning games through teamfights around objectives.

It should be noted that even though certain ADC’s may not be considered top picks, they can still be played based on team priorities and the unique aspects they bring to the table.

Honorable mentions: Lucian and Kog’maw

Lucian is considered a safe pick with good midgame power and objective control. Kog’maw excels in the late game with his long-range damage, but struggles in the early and midgame due to lack of escapes.

Thank you for reading!

marksman, ADC, meta, versatility, Kalista, Caitlyn, Sivir, Graves, Corki, Twitch, Lucian, Kog’maw