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Top champions to have in League of Legends ARAM

ARAM: The Best Champions to Play in League of Legends’ All Random All Mid Mode

The All Random All Mid (ARAM) game mode in League of Legends has become increasingly popular over the past six years as players enjoy its fast-paced and unpredictable nature. While champions are randomly assigned, some excel more than others in this game mode. Let’s explore the best champions in ARAM based on their abilities and playstyle.


Having champions with healing abilities is crucial in ARAM, as players are unable to go back to the fountain to heal. Champions with healing skills can significantly boost their team’s health, providing an advantage in team fights.


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Sona is a top-tier champion in ARAM due to her low-cooldown heal, which also provides shields to her teammates. Her AoE ultimate and poke abilities make her a formidable force in the game mode.


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Soraka’s two healing abilities can give her team a significant health boost before a fight, increasing their chances of victory. Her silence ability also serves as a useful tool for disengaging.


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Nami’s Ebb and Flow ability damages opponents while simultaneously healing herself or a teammate. With excellent disengage and engage tools, such as Aqua Prison and Tidal Wave, Nami is a versatile pick in ARAM.


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Janna’s ultimate ability provides a large AoE heal, helping her entire team recover health. Her Eye of the Storm ability offers a strong shield, absorbing damage and empowering her teammates.


ARAM matches often have periods of downtime, where teams wait for cooldowns or regenerate health. Champions with poke abilities can take advantage of these calm moments, keeping enemies at low health or eliminating low-health champions.


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Varus’ Piercing Arrow ability has long-range and can chunk and finish off enemies with low health. His ultimate serves as an engage tool, potentially catching multiple champions.


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With a low cooldown on his Bouncing Bomb ability, Ziggs can consistently poke enemies and prevent them from healing. His Satchel Charge is a great tool for taking down turrets, and his ultimate deals significant AoE damage that can turn the tide in a teamfight.


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Ezreal is a top poke champion due to his low-cooldown Mystic Shot, which packs a punch. His ultimate ability, True Barrage, can take out low-health enemies and give his team a significant advantage.


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Xerath’s multiple long-range abilities allow him to deal damage and poke enemies from a safe distance. He excels at wearing down and finishing off enemies while staying out of harm’s way.


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Lux’s diverse kit makes her a great fit for ARAM. Her bind ability can catch out enemies, while her long-range poke, shield, and high-damage ultimate ability provide versatility. Her full combo can quickly eliminate an enemy champion.


ARAM is known for its explosive team fights, and the team that can successfully engage and catch their opponents off guard tend to come out on top. With limited space on the map, champions with large area engage abilities have the advantage of catching multiple enemies.


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Zac’s large AoE engage can catch multiple enemies and bring squishy targets into his own team, making them easy to eliminate. His passive healing allows him to stay healthy between fights.


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The Flash Tibbers combo has been a dangerous engage tool throughout League of Legends’ lifespan, and it remains just as powerful in ARAM. Annie’s poke and long-range stun abilities further enhance her engaging capabilities.


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Amumu’s Curse of the Sad Mummy ability is fantastic for initiating team fights, potentially stunning the entire enemy team. His Bandage Toss allows him to reach the enemy’s backline and catch squishy targets.


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Maokai possesses numerous crowd control tools, and his massive ultimate can cover the entire width of the map, forcing enemies to flee or become entangled in his roots. His saplings are a constant annoyance and provide his team with stronger brush control.

Honorable mentions: Vel’Koz, Blitzcrank, Brand, Ashe, Fiddlesticks, Sion, Jhin, Karma, Malphite