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Top ADC Choices for Sona

Have you ever experienced the thrill of jamming out to your favorite song? Now imagine hitting all the right notes with your ADC in the bot lane of Summoner’s Rift, thanks to the perfect pairing of Sona. It’s like performing a power ballad in League!


  • Top ADC synergies with Sona: Miss Fortune, Draven, Lucian
  • Sona’s CC sets up incredible ultimate combos
  • According to Sneaky, Sona + aggressive ADCs equals a musical massacre!

Best ADCs for the Melodic Maven

Sona, with her ethereal melodies and crowd-control abilities, has become the MVP support of the orchestra. Here are the ADCs that pair best with our musical maestro:

Miss Fortune: The Dance of Destruction

  • Battle Ballet: Sona’s Crescendo sets the stage for Miss Fortune’s Bullet Time ultimate for a deadly rain of bullets.
  • Quick Feet: Sona’s Song of Celerity allows Miss Fortune to chase down enemies or make a graceful exit.

Lucian: Intergalactic Duo

  • Double the Fun: Lucian’s Lightslinger passive, combined with Sona’s Hymn of Valor, pokes enemies to oblivion.
  • Bounty Hunting: Lucian’s flashy moves and relentless shots make him the perfect partner for Sona.

Draven: Showstopper Supreme

  • Glorious Onslaught: Draven’s spinning axes and Sona’s auras create a front-row ticket to a rock show.
  • Uninterrupted Finale: Sona’s Crescendo ensures that no one can stop Draven’s Whirling Death ultimate.

Jinx & Kai’Sa: The Melodic Sidekicks

  • Party in the Bot Lane: Jinx’s rockets and Sona’s tunes create a musical festival in the bot lane.
  • Synchronized Assault: Kai’Sa and Sona’s moves look so synchronized, they could be on a reality dance show.

“Sona is a fantastic support for aggressive ADCs. Her ability to poke, heal, and provide crowd control makes her a great partner for ADCs like Draven and Lucian who can capitalize on her abilities to deal high amounts of damage.” – Pro LoL player, Sneaky.

Underappreciated Ensembles: Ezreal, Vayne, Caitlyn

  • Long-range Duets: Both Ezreal and Sona deliver powerful pokes even from a distance, like a sniper pair.
  • Early-game Powerhouse: Sona boosts Vayne in the early game.
  • Out-of-reach Harmonies: Caitlyn’s range and Sona’s tunes create a symphony from another dimension.

Understanding the Rhythms of Rift

As you delve into the strategic intricacies of League, you’ll realize that the bot lane is about more than just the two champions. It’s about two players tuning their frequency, understanding their champions, and creating an in-game symphony. Sona’s versatile toolkit allows her to pair with a variety of ADCs to create an exciting and harmonious gameplay experience.

Sona’s Secret Sheet Music

In addition to the meta picks, there are a few non-traditional ADCs that surprisingly go well with Sona:

Kog’Maw: The Explosive Concerto

  • Shredding Performance: Kog’Maw’s artillery-style gameplay pairs brilliantly with Sona’s poke.
  • Protect the VIP: Sona can play the role of bodyguard, ensuring Kog’Maw’s abilities hit their mark.

Tristana: The Rocket Jump Rave

  • High-flying Harmonies: With Sona’s auras and Tristana’s explosive jumps, they become the crowd-pullers in team fights.
  • Bursty Ballads: Tristana’s all-in nature paired with Sona’s Crescendo can lead to a crescendo of destruction for the enemies.

The Sound Strategy

When Tony Fallon (yes, that Tony from countless gaming expos) shared his secret tip, many were surprised. It wasn’t about mechanics or stats. It was about listening – to your ADC, to the game’s rhythm, and even to the heartbeats of your enemies (metaphorically, of course). Choosing the right ADC for Sona is not just about damage; it’s about creating the right mood, building tension, and delivering the climax in team fights.


Who does Sona synergize best with? Miss Fortune, Draven, and Lucian are currently the top synergistic ADCs with Sona.

Why is Sona’s crowd control crucial for ADCs? It sets up opportunities for ADCs to unleash their devastating ultimates, maximizing their damage output.

Do Sona’s auras benefit aggressive ADCs? Absolutely! Her auras provide damage, healing, and utility that greatly enhance aggressive ADCs’ offensive capabilities.

Which lesser-known ADCs pair well with Sona? Ezreal, Vayne, and Caitlyn also make formidable partners for the Maven of the Strings.

How does Sona change the dynamic of the bot lane? With her healing, poke, and crowd control, Sona can shift the tide of the lane, providing sustain and setting up kill opportunities.

How important is positioning when playing Sona and an ADC? Positioning is crucial! Sona lacks mobility, and ADCs are often squishy, so proper positioning can make or break a fight.

Can Sona be aggressive in the early game? Absolutely! With her poke and a complementary ADC, Sona can apply significant early-game pressure.

How do runes and builds affect Sona’s synergy with ADCs? Optimal rune choices and item builds can amplify Sona’s synergy, providing additional utility or damage to better support her ADC.

What if the enemy team has champions with hard engage? Sona and her ADC should play cautiously, utilizing their range advantage and waiting for opportunities to counter-engage.

Concluding Note

As we conclude this musical journey, let’s remember that League, like music, is constantly evolving. Champions rise and fall, metas shift, but the beauty of the game remains. Pairing Sona with the perfect ADC is just one chapter in the vast playbook. So next time you lock in Sona, remember, you’re not just choosing a champion; you’re choosing an experience!

According to Mobalytics’ 2021 ADC synergy rates, Miss Fortune, Draven, and Lucian have the highest synergy with Sona. But always remember, it’s not just about the numbers. It’s about the dance, the rhythm, and the joy of playing in perfect harmony!


  1. Mobalytics, 2021 ADC synergy rates.
  2. LoL Champion Wiki, Champion Abilities and Stats.
  3. Interview with Sneaky, Pro LoL player insights.