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Top ADC Choices for Optimal Pairing with Yuumi in League of Legends

Yuumi: Find the Perfect ADC Partner

Yuumi, the champion that divides opinion in League of Legends, has become a favorite support pick for many players. Whether you love her or hate her, Yuumi’s simple yet powerful kit has made her a force to be reckoned with in the game. She also received an update in March that shifted her strengths and weaknesses. According to U.GG, Yuumi is currently one of the most-played support champions.

Yuumi’s simplicity makes her a popular pick in many games, especially as you climb the ranks. While playing against her can be frustrating, she can be a valuable ally when paired with the right ADC champion.

Best ADCs for Yuumi

Here are some of the marksmen that synergize well with Yuumi in the bottom lane.

Sivir: Sivir is an excellent choice to pair with Yuumi because she can cover Yuumi’s weaknesses. Yuumi’s lack of waveclear and vulnerability to engage supports can be a problem, but Sivir’s abilities like Boomerang Blade and Ricochet provide great waveclear. Additionally, Sivir’s Spell Shield allows Yuumi to survive the early game and shine in later teamfights.

Nilah: The combination of Nilah and Yuumi creates one of the strongest bot lanes in the game. Both champions have goals that align with each other. Yuumi’s shield from her passive transfers to any ally she attaches to, while Nilah’s passive enhances healing and shielding effects. Nilah’s ultimate ability, Apotheosis, sets up Yuumi for a devastating Final Chapter.

Lucian: Lucian’s quick burst trade patterns work well with Yuumi’s abilities. When Yuumi’s passive and Q ability are up, Lucian can dash in and trade aggressively. Yuumi then provides sustain for Lucian between trades, allowing them to dominate the enemy bot lane. Both players need to be in sync to make this duo effective.

Zeri: Zeri is the perfect AD carry choice for those looking for speed. With Yuumi’s speed boosts and healing, Zeri becomes an untouchable speedster in the mid-to-late game. Yuumi can also help Zeri chase down enemies with her Prowling Projectile ability, making them a formidable duo.

Avoid Ezreal

While Ezreal and Yuumi may seem like a strong pairing, they actually have similar weaknesses that can be easily exploited. Both champions lack waveclear, making it difficult to farm and leaving them vulnerable to dives. Additionally, they both need multiple items before they become relevant, making it challenging to secure objectives like dragons. Despite the potential power of this duo, the average player may find it too difficult to succeed, resulting in a low win rate.

Finding the perfect ADC partner for Yuumi can greatly enhance your gameplay and increase your chances of success. Sivir, Nilah, Lucian, and Zeri offer excellent synergy and can help you dominate the bot lane. Just remember to avoid Ezreal if you’re not ready for the coordination and skill required to make the duo work.

Yuumi, League of Legends, ADC, synergy, Sivir, Nilah, Lucian, Zeri, Ezreal, bot lane