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Top 8 Most Powerful AoE Abilities in League of Legends

Before I begin talking about this topic, it’s important to understand the term AoE. It stands for Area of Effect, which refers to any ability your champion uses that can affect more than one enemy when cast. AoE is often confused with CC (Crowd Control), which refers to debuffs that can affect the enemy. For a more in-depth look at AoE abilities, you can check here.

Now that we have that cleared up, let’s dive into the 8 Best AoE Abilities in League of Legends.

1. Unstoppable Force (Malphite’s R)
Malphite is a champion known for his AoE ultimate. It’s great for starting team fights or peeling for your carries. When built with AP items, Unstoppable Force becomes a deadly ability, dealing more damage than Ziggs ultimate. Plus, Malphite is considered one of the easiest champions to play.

2. Pyroclasm (plus Conflagration and Pillar of Flame) – Brand
Brand’s abilities can all deal AoE damage thanks to his passive. His ultimate, Pyroclasm, is especially powerful in small areas and can contribute a lot to team fights or objective control.

3. Mega Inferno Bomb (Ziggs R)
Ziggs’ ultimate was once considered the most powerful when it comes to damage. Though Malphite’s ultimate can deal more damage, Ziggs’ Mega Inferno Bomb is devastating when the target is positioned in the middle of the ability.

4. Bullet Time (Miss Fortune R)
Miss Fortune’s ultimate, Bullet Time, is feared for its ability to melt everything within its range. Positioning is key to maximize its effectiveness and deal critical damage.

5. The Equalizer (Rumble R)
Rumble’s ultimate, The Equalizer, can melt everything inside it. It’s a versatile ability that can be used to zone the enemy team or deal devastating damage in small areas.

6. Slicing Maelstrom (Kenen R)
Kenen’s ultimate is great in small areas like the jungle. Its range is significant and affects everyone inside the circle. It’s especially useful for initiating fights or contesting objectives.

7. Soul Shackles (Morgana R)
Morgana’s ultimate, Soul Shackles, can hit any enemy around her and slow them down while casting. If enemies stay within its range, they will be stunned. It’s a useful tool for team fights or to detect enemies in areas with no vision.

8. Honorific Mention to Cataclysm (Jarvan R)
Jarvan’s ultimate, Cataclysm, may not be that useful by itself. However, when used strategically and in combination with other AoE abilities, it can trap enemies and set them up for the rest of the team to deal damage.

In conclusion, AoE compositions can be a simple and effective way to play the game, whether you’re playing with a team or in Solo Q. It doesn’t require advanced skills and many champions with AoE abilities have easy mechanics. Consider suggesting an AoE composition to your teammates if you’re struggling to climb, as not all players know how to play against it.