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Top 7 Tank Champions for the Top Lane in League of Legends

If you’re tired of losing lane and not being able to contribute later in the game as a carry toplaner, I have a solution for you. These high-tier tank champions can soak damage, provide crowd control, and remain relevant throughout the game.

No more post-game chat frustrations – now you can become a weakside toplaner who loses gracefully while your team influences the rest of the map.

Table of Content

1. Shen, The Eye of Twilight

Shen, The Eye of Twilight

Shen is a great solo-queue champion right now. His ultimate, Stand United, allows him to teleport to an ally and provide a shield based on their missing health. His Shadow Dash allows him to dash through enemies, helping his team secure kills.

Recent changes to the teleport summoner spell have also made Shen even stronger. With the new Unleashed Teleport, he can cross the map safely before the enemy toplaner unlocks it.

2. Tahm Kench, The River King

Tahm Kench, The River King

Since his rework, Tahm Kench has become a top-lane powerhouse. His new ultimate, Devour, allows him to move to a target area and knock up enemy champions. With his healing and damage absorption abilities, he can easily sustain in lane and provide a strong frontline for his team.

3. Nasus, The Curator Of The Sands

Nasus, The Curator Of The Sands

Nasus has received a buff that allows his Q ability to proc spell effects, making him a powerful and sustainable champion. He scales well into the late game and can become a menace if left unchecked.

4. Dr. Mundo, The Madman of Zaun

Dr. Mundo, The Madman of Zaun

Dr. Mundo has seen numerous buffs since his rework, making him a force to be reckoned with. He excels against tankier compositions and can sustain through trades and skirmishes.

5. Poppy, Keeper Of The Hammer

Poppy, Keeper Of The Hammer

Poppy received a cooldown reduction to her passive ability, making her a powerful pick against most team compositions. Her ability to stun, block dashes, and remove enemies from fights makes her a valuable asset in team fights.

6. Trundle, The Troll King

Trundle, The Troll King

Trundle has received a buff that allows his Q ability to deal with spell effects, making him a potent champion. With his ultimate ability, he can steal armor and magic resistance from his enemies, making him a strong pick against tankier compositions.

7. Ornn, The Fire Below The Mountain

Ornn, The Fire Below The Mountain

Ornn may not have the same raw power as some other champions, but his utility and ability to upgrade Mythic items for his team make him a valuable pick in the late game. His crowd control abilities and engage potential also make him a threat in team fights.

Consider trying out these tank top laners to enhance your gameplay and win more consistently.