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Top 7 Skins in League of Legends with the Lowest Purchase Rates

7 of the Least Bought Skins in League of Legends

In League of Legends, skins are works of art that developers put a lot of effort into creating. They include not only the overall design of the skin but also the corresponding lore and the skin line it is released with.

However, not all skins in League of Legends are created equal. In the early years of the game, skins were mostly just a different color scheme for the champion, or they were simply chroma skins that didn’t offer much change in appearance.

Today, we have chroma variants of skins that not only change the color scheme but also give champions a different overall look. In this article, we will be highlighting seven of the least bought skins in League of Legends.

7. Nightmare Cho’Gath

The Nightmare Cho’Gath skin is a prime example of a skin that offers very little change from the base skin. It is essentially the same skin with only a difference in color. While it may not be the most popular skin currently, there is potential for a complete makeover in the future.

6. Deadly Kennen

Deadly Kennen is a skin that lacks special effects and offers minimal changes in appearance. The color scheme of the skin remains the same, as do the abilities, animations, and voice lines. It feels like a simple chroma for Kennen’s base skin.

5. Shamrock Malphite

Shamrock Malphite is another skin that falls short in terms of changes. It is essentially just a chroma for Malphite’s base skin, with no significant alterations in appearance or effects.

4. Golden Alistar

Golden Alistar may have a slight change in color, but it doesn’t offer much in terms of marketability. It feels like a different skin due to the color combination, but overall, it doesn’t stand out from the base skin.

3. White Mage Veigar

White Mage Veigar is a skin that simply changes the color scheme without any other noticeable changes. It doesn’t fit Veigar’s dark mage aesthetic and feels like a lackluster excuse for a skin.

2. Sasquatch Nunu (Old)

Sasquatch Nunu (Old) is a skin that significantly alters Nunu’s appearance, but not for the better. It is considered worse than the base skin due to its overall design.

1. Nosferatu Vladimir

Nosferatu Vladimir is widely regarded as the worst-looking skin in the game. It removes the iconic vampire look of Vladimir and features a bald head and a comical facial expression that deterred players from purchasing it.

These skins listed here are considered the worst because they were released during the early years of League of Legends when the game was not as well-known. Designers didn’t put as much effort into these skins, but as the game gained popularity, they started creating more high-quality skins that matched the game’s progress.