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Top 7 Most Frustrating Jungle Champions to Face

League of Legends has released over 100 Champions since its inception, creating a diverse roster with unique abilities. In this article, we will focus on Champions that are considered annoying by players. This is the third installment of our five-part series. If you haven’t already, make sure to check out our previous lists on ADC and Mid Lane Champions. The Jungle role is complex and challenging, and some Champions stand out as more annoying than others. Let’s dive into our list.

7. Zac

Zac is a highly mobile Jungler with the ability to engage from a long range. He can swiftly traverse the map and surprise enemies with his Elastic Slingshot (E). Zac’s crowd control and area-of-effect damage make him a formidable team fighter. His constant threat and the potential for massive damage from his abilities make him a truly annoying Champion.

6. Shaco

Shaco’s ability to go invisible and confuse the enemy team sets him apart as an annoying Jungler. His Jack-in-the-Box traps can catch unsuspecting players off-guard and deal significant damage. In addition, his Ultimate creates a clone, making it difficult to determine the real Shaco. His damage output and stealth mechanics make playing against him a frustrating experience.

5. Udyr

Udyr’s exceptional mobility and speed make him an annoying Champion to face. His Bear Stance (E) allows him to stun enemies and quickly close the distance. This, combined with his ability to quickly switch between stances and apply damage, makes him a formidable opponent. Udyr’s tankiness and damage reflector also contribute to his annoyance factor.

4. Kayn

Kayn is a relentless Jungler who constantly applies pressure on the enemy team. His exceptional jungle clearing speed allows him to move freely around the map. With high damage and mobility, Kayn poses a threat to all lanes. Both forms he can acquire, The Shadow Assassin and The Darkin, bring their own set of annoyances to the game.

3. Rammus

Rammus is designed to counter AD Champions and attackers. His incredible movement speed and powerful defensive capabilities make him difficult to deal with. He can quickly move around the map and engage in fights. Rammus excels at absorbing damage and sending it back to his opponents. His speed and tankiness make him a constant threat and a highly annoying Champion.

2. Vi

Vi is a powerful Bruiser with high mobility. She can quickly move around the map and use her abilities to engage enemies. Her low cooldowns, damage output, and crowd control make her an annoyance to face. Vi’s ability to constantly pressure lanes and dominate team fights make her a frustrating opponent to deal with.

1. Master Yi

Master Yi may be one of the oldest Champions in League of Legends, but he remains a formidable force. His simplicity and high damage output make him a powerful and annoying Jungler. With the right build and gameplay, Master Yi can quickly eliminate opponents and dominate matches. Playing against him can be incredibly frustrating, as his damage output and durability make him a force to be reckoned with.

In conclusion, there are many annoying Champions in the Jungle role in League of Legends. Each Champion on this list brings their unique annoyances, whether it’s through mobility, damage, or crowd control. These Champions can quickly turn the tide of a game and make it a challenging and frustrating experience for their opponents. Keep an eye out for more League of Legends content on our website, and happy gaming on the Summoner’s Rift!